
The Division Bench/ The Registrar,
The Hon. Supreme Court of India,
Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110 001 (India)<>

Date: 13 Sep 2013

*Sub: Malafide Intentions to lift mining ban in Goa*

Dear Sir,

It is my understanding that a review petition is being moved in the
Honourable Supreme Court of India on 17th September 2013 with regard to the
mining issue in the state of Goa. Being a citizen of Goa, I am very much
concerned that lifting this ban will be catastrophic for Goans and lead us
to disaster. As an affected party, I would like to petition the Division
Bench on the following facts for reconsideration vis-a-vis the attempts
made by certain self interested individuals and political parties to kick
start and accelerate the alleged illegal mining process in Goa through
cynical and misleading review petitions and affidavits.

 1. On reports of large scale illegal mining and failure of states to
effectively curb this menace, the Union Government had set up the one-man
panel in November, 2010. The judicial commission had slammed former Chief
Minister Digambar Kamat headed by the Congress party for not acting against
illegalities in the mining sector despite knowing about them. The
Commission, which recommended a total ban on iron ore and manganese ore
exports, has submitted two interim reports. Of this, one was on illegal
iron ore mining across the country and the other on illegal mining in Goa.
The justice MB Shah commission had estimated losses to the exchequer
arising from illegal mining in Goa to be around Rs 35,000 crore.

2. The Crime branch in Goa has registered a first information report (FIR)
against politicians, bureaucrats, mine owners, officials of the mines
department and others as identified in reports by the Supreme Court's
central empowered committee (CEC), state assembly's public account
committee (PAC) and the Shah commission. Barring officials of mines and
geology department, no politician or mine owner has been named in the FIR,
this despite the Shah Commission naming former chief ministers Digambar
Kamat and Pratapsingh Rane in its report. Every successive government from
the Congress and BJP have failed to act against the rampant illegal mining
and the only hope today for the common man is the Supreme Court to ensure
that the guilty will not be spared and a justice will be done.

3. The current government headed by the BJP under the Chief Ministership of
Manohar Parrikar had been a mute spectator when he was the Chief Minister
from 2000 to 2005 and illegal mining flourished unabated under his cabinet
colleague Digambar Kamat during this period. He began crying foul only
after being dislodged from the Government and when he was the leader of
opposition in the house.

4. The present government under the leadership of Manohar Parrikar had
found large scale illegalities in mining in the State of Goa when he
formerly headed the Public Accounts Committee in the Goa Legislative
Assembly as the Leader of Opposition. He rode on a huge public sympathy and
popularity on illegal mining to form the next government after the Congress
rule with a promise to clean up the mess on illegal mining and its
associated large scale corruption. Other factors like the huge doles
announcements too contributed towards his victory in the election. He acted
faster than the speed of lightning to suspend the then director of mines on
assuming power and to revoke the mining licenses to keep up the election
promises. However recently the government has reversed many of its
decisions and with these U-turns and Flip-Flops, they have  already begun
the formalities to withdraw all the suspensions of mining leases in haste
since the state’s finances are in a very pathetic state and servicing the
assured unsustainable doles promised during the election manifesto has now
become highly unsustainable.  This desperation of the state government has
been highly evident in the form of permissions granted to offshore casinos
like HorseShoe Casino which the state government once boasted were not
required for any revenue generation for Goa but has now admitted as needed.
These events have taken place under certain political pressures without a
fair investigation on the leases and also in collision with certain
sections of stakeholders belonging to the mine owners, ruling and
opposition politicians, government officials, and officers from the
department of Geology and Mines, and officials from the ministry of
environment and forests. This is a complete Volte-face on the part of the
current Government which had promised to clean up the mess and corruption
associated with the large scale illegal mining. The acts are not only
deplorable but also will do grave injustice to the common man who has to
endure the long term effects of illegal mining in the form of ecological,
social and economic disasters.

5. Over the years there have been a nearly a dozen cases and incidents of
attacks on anti-mining activists and no progress has even been made to book
and prosecute the culprits. Some of the mining activists have also lost
their lives in tragic and mysterious circumstances. This clearly
establishes the alleged nexus between the government officials and mine
owners to harass innocent activists who are pursuing legal and peaceful
battles against illegal mining. The attack on mining activists in Goa has
made headlines in leading newspapers and electronic media but being one of
the smallest state which does not get publicity for the injustices faced,
these cowardly acts on civilized society have not caught the attention of
the international community.

6. The coming together of opposition and ruling legislators cutting across
party lines in recent days is just an eye wash by the legislators to fool
people by expressing sympathy towards people who depended on mining for
their source of income. The fact is that majority of the past and present
serving legislators have their pockets and businesses deep into the mining
industry. The statistics of people’s livelihood affected by mining has been
highly manipulated. The mining boom of the last decade and greed for more
iron ore from hungry countries like China and Japan has given handsome
returns above industry expectations to all the people involved in this
business. Most of the people in this industry are long term players and
have reaped huge profits on their investments of manpower, machinery and
transport. There are no credible figures to substantiate the loan amounts
and the people registered in this business which is run in collision with
the government officials, mine owners from the influential Salgoankars,
Dempos, Bandodkars, Chowgules, Aggrawals, Sesa Goa, and exporters. The
level of influence of these mine owners over policy makes, The Legislature
and The Executives is so vast that if compared with the official
publication of Forbes ratings of the 100 most influential people and
wealthiest people in the world they will emerge in the top 10 spots.

7. I being a citizen of Goa am an affected party. The iron ore deposits are
the wealth of Goa and its native citizens to whom it should lawfully
belong. My forefathers lived here under the Portuguese rule and Goa existed
much before even the republic of India or the Union of India was formed.
Apparently, mining in Goa before it was annexed in 1961 by the Union of
India was more controlled and sustainable one. The mining of the present
day is alleged to be illegal, robbing Goa and its native Citizens of their
natural wealth. The common man has lost faith in the present day governance
and its democratic institutions. Corruption is widespread and rampant. The
only hope for the common man today is a fair justice by none other than the
Courts. In deciding this case, I pray that I too be made party to this
hearing as an affected party because my constitutional right to freedom of
expression as guaranteed by the Constitution of the Union of India has been
violated. I have lost faith in the democratic institutions and look forward
towards the judiciary. The elected Governments work on vote bank politics
and then renegade on their promises after winning elections. They turn
stone deaf after getting elected. Our petitions and representations to
Governments whom we elect end up in the dust bin. Once elected, these
governments run according to their whims and fancies and our concerns and
freedom of expressions are curtailed. The best example is this present
Government headed by the Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar who has renegade
on all his pre-poll promises to clean up the mining mess. The government
has to be for the people, by the people and of the people but I fear that
facts will be manipulated or misrepresented by the present Government of
Goa which has lost the trust of its people and so my voice needs to be
heard under principles of natural justice.

The Constitution of the Union Government of India has not given me, a
citizen of Goa any provision to recall an elected representative as is the
case in some of the most civilized  and democratic countries in the world
where governors, Presidents (example Richard Nixon of USA) and
representatives have been recalled or asked to resign for acts of
omissions, deception and perjury. Nor do I enjoy and rights under this
constitution to have elected representatives to be impeached by the people.
Hence I fear that our voices will be manipulated and a government that
renegades on its promises cannot be trusted to be the voice and
representative of its people. Therefore, in deciding this petition, I pray
that I too be made party to the arguments in the court of law along with
other affected people and NGO and mining activists so that I exercise my
right to freedom of expression in a true spirit of having justice being

8. The citizens of Goa are highly affected by the mining dumps. There are
almost 19 mines operating within close proximity of the main water resource
supplying almost the entire south of Goa. Recent investigations have found
a high content of manganese deposits in the potable water supplied to the
households. The presence of radioactive elements and chromium has also not
been ruled out. These carcinogenic metals and minerals have detrimental
health effects on the innocent tax payers who are subject to wrongful
decisions of unfit people in power. It is highly desirable that a panel
empowered by a Supreme Court Committee verifies and authenticates the water
quality before restarting mining in the state. Also the final report of the
justice Shah Commission should be given a fair consideration before mining
is started.

8. Recently it was reported in one of the leading news channels that the
Chief Minister taking on Supreme Court, having said it(SC) was not adhering
to the judicial doctrine of "justice delayed is justice denied" when it
came to Goa with regard to the mining issue. This rhetoric towards the
mining affected businesses just goes to show the credibility of the elected
representative and their hypocrisy when so much of injustice has been done
to the common man with regards to the failure of law and order machinery in
Goa, rapes on minor children at school, attacks on civilized society and
anti-mining activists and large scale rise in burglaries and prostitution.
It is as if Goans are witnessing a new era of resurrecting Nazism in Goa
without any fear of Contempt of Court.

9. There are reports that a lot of mined ore is still lying idle. We pray
that the Shah Commission be allowed to complete its task and verify the
authenticity of the mined ore on its status of legality.

10. There are no environmental policies in place to follow procedures after
mining activity has ceased in an area. The process of restoring the mined
area to its ecological balance has not been followed. The open pits pose a
potential hazard to human beings and machinery. No efforts have been made
to minimize of mitigate the effects of noise and dust pollution. Most of
the machinery is very old and not being tested or recalibrated. There is a
grave concern on the occupational health and safety procedures being
implemented to protect humans from bodily harm and injury.

11. It is being reported that the ministry of finance and the current
finance minister is very keen to restart mining in Goa to rescue the messed
up economy of the Indian Government which has been in doldrums. With fiscal
consolidation in a big mess and all attempts to reduce the current account
deficit ending in failures, the recent depreciation in the value of rupee
holds the key to export the mined ore lying idle in Goa because this will
help in reducing the CAD by a huge margin. This rush through by the finance
ministry should not be allowed which will result in looting this wealth of

By this petition, I pray that I be made party in this hearing to voice my
concern as a citizen and prevent my constitutional right to freedom of
expression being manipulated by the government of Goa.

Thanking You.


Rupert Coutinho

A Citizen of Goa; Always a Goan and Proud to be a Goan;

CC to:

1. Ministry of Environmental and Forests, Union Govt. of India

2. Ministry of Finance, Union Govt. of India

3. Directorate of Mines & Geology Government of

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