MoDI anointed

After dilly dallying over a considerable period and much thinking, Modi
 has earned his nomination to be the campaign manager. The great hindrance
and opposition was from within the party is laid to bare. It only added to
the pleasure of Congress in the UPA II, as BJP party men were fighting the
battle, as if to say proxies of the Congress. Ambitions and over ambitions
had better of them than the good of the party Mr L.K.Advani no doubt has
not lost his race long ago, but refuses to see the writing on the wall. He
forgets how he was dethroned from his pedestal of leader of opposition
because of his praises on Jina. He was also forced to state that he was not
in P.M race, An astrologer had forecast that the chair of P.M will always
evade him till death.He came closest as the Deputy P.M during Vajpayee
tenure. Those who seem to support him have own axes to grind in the hope
that they will surface as an alternative. BJP party is made up of unknown
supporters on whose strength alone the executive draws inspiration, Hence a
few executives or few disgruntled members do not make up the BJP party. In
fact Shusma Swaaraj and Arun Jaitely owe their rise to power on their
appointments by BJP .By themselves and so called merit, it is a far cry
that they are most wanted, which    they seem to presume. Does Shusma needs
to be reminded about her resolve to stand against Sonia from wherever she
seeks her elections. In fact she had to enter through Raja Sabha for a
popular leader she assumes to be. If the party could decide their
positions, so also the party can rightfully decide more germane issues.
Whether they agree with reservations, without the party affiliations they
are lost in the political arena and thus made to swallow their pride. The
options to leave the party will have serious implications in their
political career No individual is above the party. Which of the tall BJP
leader has all India acceptance for the post of P.M.?

Mr Modi had a past like everybody does, but he has also a future. If the
BJP can sink with Modi as a candidate, it surely will sink with any one
else .At least the charisma of Modi is a hope Modi won 3 successive
elections in Gujerat ,besides Lok Sabah sweep recently. His development
model in Gujerat is the envy of any BJP ,leader , which has to be
replicated The dissent in the party of BJP is a sign of democratic
principles coming to the fore, which must be appreciated Modi will need all
the help from the stalwarts , if he assumes responsibilities and it is just
mere speculations to discredit that he cannot take India forward with the
same spirit and determination.

UPA II dreads the rise of Modi, for they have no leader to counter act his
march The scams of CWG, Coalgate, Helicopter deals and many other
monumental corrupt practices have weighed down the UPA Ii

People are crying for a change, good governance, corrupt free govt,
employment generation and to hold high the prestige of India in the
community of Nations

The Congressman with experience and in their anxiety to please, bend and
genuflect are shamelessly putting a political novice as their head and
thereby willing to do that his bidding only to ensure their political
survival They also intend to manipulate him in this vast ocean of political
turmoil of uncertainty having to lean on them

He has not shown any responsibility in Govt. administrations even at a
lower level, It is surprising that Man Mohan is betting and putting his
full weight behind him. Is he paying his debt for his rise to ascendancy to
power, which he never ever dreamt of

Let the people judge, if the there is any comparison worth the salt between
Gandhi and Modi. India has been ruled by the Congress for ten decades and
more and it  is  not right or just to make it look like  hereditary
inheritance to be handed over on a platter Modi is assuring hope to meet
the aspiration of the young rising generation for a better future and this
they do on proven progress and development and his single minded devotion
to root out corruption

He deserves a chance, and all the talk of communalism is hogwash

The best chance ever for the BJP to assume the reign of power at the
centre, but all attempts to sabotage from within, the popular mood  must be
resisted, BJP has given an inclination to control dissent thus far in its
far reaching decisions

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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