Subject: : Mind-blowing food facts! make it yours !!

    Mind-blowing food facts!

  Pineapple is a natural painkiller The fruit contains anti-inflammatory
  enzymes that bring pain relief from conditions such as arthritis, according 
to a study at Reading University.


  2 Pomegranate juice could prevent a heart attack This wonder juice is
  believed to improve blood flow to the heart and lower blood pressure. 


  3 Onions are natural antibiotics They might make your breath pong but onions
  contain allicin, a powerful antibiotic that also protects the circulatory


  4 Mushrooms can ward off colds They contain more of an immune-boosting
  antioxidant called ergothioneine than any other food, say researchers at 
Pennsylvania State


  6 Blueberries can boost memory. A study at
  Tufts University in Boston showed eating half a cup of this fruit
  regularly could delay age-related deterioration in co-ordination and
  short-term memory.


  DIABETICS........Eat chocolate, live longer
  Hurray! Harvard University scientists say that eating a couple of
  chocolate bars a week could
  extend your life by almost a year. 


  9 Grapefruit juice can stop
  medicine working If you're taking medication, avoid washing it down with
  grapefruit juice as there is evidence that it prevents some drugs being
  broken down. 


  10 You should never drink tea or
  coffee with meals. Tannins in tea and coffee prevent absorption of certain
  nutrients. A cup of tea with a meal will halve the iron you get from it,
  whereas a glass of orange juice will double it. 


  11 Cherries can cure gout. Cherries contain compounds that significantly
  reduce the chemicals in the body which cause joint inflammation. 


  12 Eating curry could help prevent Alzheimer's. According to a report in the 
Journal of Biological Chemistry,
  a yellow pigment used in curry, curcumin, can stop amyloid plaques in the
  brain that cause the condition. 


  13 Sniffing a lemon could help you beat asthma The UK's 5.1 million
  asthmatics could find lemons ease their symptoms. Studies in rats found that
  breathing improved after they inhaled limonene, the chemical that gives
  lemons their smell. 


  14 Kiwi fruit can improve your eyesight. This fuzzy fruit is a surprisingly
  good source of lutein, an antioxidant that protects your vision. 


  15 Garlic can cure mouth ulcers and verruca’s. Here's an old wives'
  tale that works: halve a clove of garlic, squeeze, and apply a drop of the
  juice to the offending growth at bedtime. 


  16 It is important having too little salt in your meals. Too much salt
  isn't good for us but not getting enough can trigger low blood pressure in
  those susceptible. Consult your GP before making any major diet changes.


  17 Figs can delay brittle bone disease Good news for the three million
  osteoporosis sufferers in the UK
  - it is possible to slow its progress by eating calcium-packed figs.


  18 Soya can mimic breast cancer drugs. A team of Cambridge researchers 
discovered that a
  diet high in soya can have a similar effect to anti-cancer drug Tamoxifen. 


  19 Barbecued-food can cause cancer.
  Eating meat that's chargrilled or burnt
  could lead to stomach, pancreatic, colon and breast cancer because it creates
  high levels of carcinogenic compounds. 


  20 Cinnamon can help diabetics. Just half a
  teaspoon a day of this spice can significantly reduce blood sugar levels in
  diabetics, says US


  21 Chilies can help you breath more easily. Capsaicin, which occurs in
  chilies, shrinks the mucous membranes which can ease blocked noses and


  22 Watermelon is good for the prostate. Men will be glad to know that the red
  flesh contains the antioxidant Lycopene, which helps keep the prostate gland


  23 Coriander can lower your cholesterol levels. This aromatic herb can reduce
  cholesterol levels and prevent heart problems.


  24 Nibbling nuts can prevent blood clots. Nuts boost nitric oxide, a compound
  that relaxes blood vessels and eases blood flow. 


  25 Banish bad breath with natural yogurt. A few spoonful of natural yoghurt 
can neutralise halitosis,
  according to Japanese researchers.




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