*2137, Near Swami Math,***

*Gogol, Margao***




*16th September, 2013***

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*         Key points made by Shantaram Naik M.P at his Press Conference
held in Congress House, Panaji***

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*           *Mr Shantaram Naik M.P. said that his Private Members
resolution is a beginning and not end of his demand to achieve the demand
of Special Provisions made which he is trying to seek for Goa.

            Briefing the media Mr Naik said that he was surprised to learn
about the criticism made against him by very persons who once appreciated
his efforts and he even took the trouble of attending one of their
meetings  to explain the meaning and implications of "special provision"
popularly called 'special status'

      During the days fixed for Private Members business, a member can
either give a notice of Private Member's Bill or of  a Private Member's
Resolution but, it is only those, whose name comes in lot are those who get
the opportunity of getting a  bill or resolution ,as the case may be,

        If an MP  gets such an opportunity even once during his entire term
,he should be considered lucky.

        Mr Naik said he had been giving notices of bills and also
resolutions from time to time on the subject and, to his luck on 30
thAugust, 2013 his resolution secured number one in the ballot and
,luckily, House was running that day.

        Mr Naik said that such resolutions are meant to bring about a
discussion on the subject, which happened.

          Mr Naik said no one expects the House to pass  such resolutions,
and, that too , a Private Member's resolution suggesting a Constitutional
amendment. They are to be withdrawn as per Parliamentary convention ; even
members of opposition parties do it, Mr Naik added.

  If the subject matter of a bill or resolution is one which can be easily
fulfilled , government gives assurance to that effect but irrespective of
assurances bills/resolutions are withdrawn.

    If those interested in getting special provisions for Goa had
understood the procedural aspect and limited scope of private members
business, He would not have been misunderstood, Mr Naik said.

       As to why BJP members in the Rajya Sabha did not participate in the
debate despite the fact that List of Business was sent to the houses of MPs
in the morning as per practice,  and, despite the fact that the same was
available on the net previous day, only BJP can answer, Mr Naik said.

         If somebody expected that he should have gone begging with BJP MPs
to speak, that would be too much to expect from him, Mr Naik said.


Let me make it clear , at the outset, that there is nothing called 'special
status ' in the constitution of India. There is article 371, under which,
special provisions can be made with respect to a State or States. Since
every one has been referring to non existence status of special status, he
had to fall in line, Mr Naik said.

 He has  now developed a new expression, "Special provisions under article
371 of the constitution popularly called as "special status", Mr Naik added.

      He has  been  demanding  special provisions for Goa for the last more
than three years. I submitted my Memorandum to PM in 2010 but a case has to
be built up by State Government, Mr Naik said.

He has been contending that Land is becoming a scarce commodity more
particularly in smaller States. Land mafia from foreign countries are
landing in States like Goa with tons of money buying huge areas creating
social and economic chaos. Some of the parties are potential enough to buy
a whole village in a smaller State like Goa.

Persons in real estate in the country too, are resorting to similar
purchases disturbing the social fabric in the State.

States have to be empowered to enact appropriate legislations to bring in
restrictions on transfer of land and other immoveable properties  on
grounds of duration of  residential requirement in the State, social  and
economic needs of the State, environment and public interest, as may be
specified by the  law.

Similarly,  the State of Goa consist of hardly 3,702 sq meters of land with
a population of roughly 14 lakhs, increasing number of migrant population
has reached to an unmanageable proportions. While it is  the fundamental
right of every citizen under Article 19 of the Constitution to move freely
throughout the territory of India , it is also the fundamental right of
others to live a decent life with basic amenities provided by the State.
 In order to safeguard the basic rights of those Goans as also non-Goans
who are settled in Goa for a number of years, further inflow has to be
regulated to avoid a virtual stampede in near future, Mr Naik said.

Article 371 of the constitution ,therefore, needs to be amended by  adding
article 371-I as follows:-

In the Article 371-I after the words, “not less than thirty members” insert
following words-

Provided further that notwithstanding anything contained in any other part
of this constitution or in any law time being in force or in any judgement
or order, the Legislative Assembly of Goa shall be competent to enact any
legislation –

(i) to regulate the ownership and transfer of land in public interest and
in the interest and on grounds of duration of  residential requirement in
the State, social  and economic needs of the State, environment and public
interest , as may be specified by the State by law.”

(ii) to regulate influx of migrants considering available resources
specially, land, water, power etc and considering the sanitation and
environmental aspects;

May  I  may mention herewith  that-

(i) Article 371 provides for special provisions for the State of
Maharashtra and Gujarat to provide separate development boards;

(ii) 371A provides for special provisions for Nagaland in respect to
ownership of transfer of land and its resources, religious or social

(iii) 371B provides special provisions for Assam for providing special
committees of members of Legislative Assembly of Assam elected from tribal
areas etc.,

(iv) Article 371 G provides that unless Mizoram Assembly so decides Act of
Parliament regarding ownership and transfer of land, Mizo customary law and
procedure etc. will not be applicable in the State.

Similarly there are special  provisions made with respect to other States
in Articles 371-C to 371-I on different aspect.

Article 371-I has made special provisions for Goa to provide  for an
assembly of 40 , since under Article 170(1), strength of a Legislative
 Assembly had to be 60.

       Special provisions have also been granted to the State of Karnataka
with respect to their Hyderabad - Karnataka areas , by a constitutional
amendment passed in Parliament in the recently held winter session. This
demand, which was pending with the Government for the last 30 years,  was
restricted to certain areas only  of Karnataka

He  had  proposed  to suggest an  amendment to  the very same  article
371-I to add additional provisions on the lines suggested above, for
empowering Goa State Assembly to enact a legislation to regulate transfer
of land in the State.

The reason as to why He is  insisting on a constitutional backing is,  Mr
Naik said, that the State Assembly,  had, in the year 2008,  enacted a
legislation to amend to Registration Act to authorize State Government to
frame  Rules, providing for issuing direction  to the  sub-registrars,  to
refuse registration  of certain documents,  declared by the government as
being opposed to  'public policy.'

President of India has refused to give assent to the bill of the Goa
government which the Governor of Goa had reserved for the consideration of
the President. A similar bill passed by the Assembly of another State ,it
is learnt, was struck down by the Supreme Court.

Since , it is the State who has to make demand, Goa government has to  move
a  resolution  to that effect although it is not properly worded and,
intention of the legislature does not become clear.

     However, demand can be clarified if the representatives meet the Prime
minister to explain the demand of the Assembly.


*            *

 On Modi's appointment has Prime Ministerial candidate, Mr Naik, who is on
official panel of AICC, it will be interesting to watch as to how Mr Modi
is going to file his nomination papers without declaring his marital status

      Mr Modi, it is learnt, leaves the column blank so also column
regarding his spouse assets.

      It is tragedy of this country,  Mr Naik said, that principal
opposition party in the country namely ,BJP, has been paralysed and, that
,its functions have been taken over by RSS.

      In the forthcoming elections, BJP Parliamentary Board will only
endorse as a formality RSS candidates and BJP's sole aim is to ultimately
try to see whether they can fulfil their long cherished dream of having a
fascist and dictatorial government in the country aided and advised by an
ex- military man who has left Anna Hazare to join BJP.


Mr Naik further said that those who are charging congress of running a
dynasty should realise that  in  the last 25 years since 1989, Congress has
been in Power for 15 years and, all these 15 years, nobody from the Nehru
Gandhi Family has been Prime Minister irrespective of the fact that they
could have become PM anytime they wanted.

Even in the 1989 Lok Sabha elections, despite winning 197 seats and after
having been invited by the President to form the Government, Shri Rajiv
Gandhi ji had declined the invitation and preferred to sit in the

Similarly, Smt Sonai Gandhi could have become PM any time if she desired
after  the brutal assassination of Shri Rajiv Gandhi, in 1991 but, despite
the fact that Congress Party and the coalition partners had offered the
post of Prime Minister to Smt. Sonia Gandhi, she refused it then.

Similarly, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi had renounced the post of Prime Minister-ship
in 2004, after having led the Congress and UPA to victory. In the process,
she set an example and became an epitome of Selfless Sacrifice.


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