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1.          This has reference to the Press Conference given by Goa Konkani
Academy (GKA) yesterday (23.09.2013) and to the numerous faulty statements
made by Shri Pundalik Naik, President of GKA.

2.          It is unfortunate to observe that a literary institution like
GKA is opposed to giving awards to Konknni in Romi script. This only proves
the selfish attitude of promoting Devnagari script by destroying the Romi
script in Goa. They tried to do so in the past and failed miserably.

3.          These four organizations namely, Dalgado Konknni Akademi,
Jagotik Konknni Songhotton *(Global Konknni Organisation)*, Romi Lipi
Action Front and Tiatr Academy Goa strongly support the decision taken by
the Chairman of Kala Academy and Hon’ble MLA of St. Andre Constituency,
Shri Vishnu Surya Wagh for giving separate literary award not only to
Konknni in Romi script but also for books in English and in other regional
languages written by Goans. In fact this decision must be hailed by all the
persons of literature because Shri Vishnu Surya Wagh has recognized the
literary creativity not only in Konknni and Marathi but also in other
languages used by Goans.

4.          GKA has not projected factual position of literary awards as
far as Goa Kala Academy is concerned. Goa Kala Academy has been awarding
literary awards to Konknni in Devnagari script as well as to Konknni in
Romi script since the inception of literary awards by Kala Academy. There
are so many writers of Konknni in Romi script who have received such awards
in the past.

5.          It was in 1987 that the Official Language Act (OLA) of Goa was
passed and fraudulently it was mentioned in the Act that Konknni in
Devnagari script will be the Official Language. In fact this was the great
betrayal to the protagonists of Konknni in Romi script because of whose
support the Konknni language became the Official Language of Goa.

6.          It is after the Act was implemented that some leaders of
Devnagari lobby such as Adv. Uday Bhembre, Pundalik Naik, Naguesh Karmali,
Arvind Bhatikar, Fr. Mousinho Ataide and others worked directly or
indirectly to stop the promotion and development of Konknni in Romi script.
Their selfish actions are :

a)      They stopped Kala Academy from giving awards to Konknni in Romi
script as they controlled the committees of Kala Academy. The reason given
was that the OLA recognizes Konknni in Devnagri script only.

b)      GKA did not help in any way for the promotion and development of
Konknni in Romi script. It was only in 2005 that the Goa Govt., with a
resolution passed in the Goa Assembly, directed the GKA to provide funds
for the promotion and development of Konknni in Romi script.

c)      This lobby has succeeded in manipulating the Konknni movement at
all levels. At the Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi their manipulative tactics
have helped them to keep away the protagonists of Konknni in Romi script,
since the recognition of Konknni by  Sahitya Akademi in 1976. This is
proved from the facts that the advisory bodies appointed by the Sahitya
Akademi have 10 out of 10 members who are the supporters of Devnagari
script. Their strategy is such that they appoint some Christians to the
advisory bodies to show that they include everyone. However, the Christians
who are appointed are basically the supporters of Devnagari script.

With all these actions, it only proves that Devnagari lobby is all out to
destroy Konknni in Romi script.

7.          Because Kala Academy stopped giving Literary Award to Konknni
in Romi script and GKA refusing to support Konknni in Romi script, the
protagonists of Konknni in Romi script agitated. They appealed to the
political leadership of Goa as well as to the lovers of Konknni language to
give justice to Konknni in Romi script. As a result of this, the then Govt.
of Goa, including the Opposition, was compelled to pass resolution in Goa
Assembly to direct GKA to promote and develop Konknni in Romi script also.

8.          It is due to the direction of Govt. that GKA were compelled to
support Konknni in Romi script since 2005. It is completely wrong to make
it appear that they supported Konknni in Romi script out of their free

9.          It is also wrongly informed by GKA that they supported
Government’s decision to get Govt. grants to Dalgado Konknni Akademi (DKA)
for the promotion and development of Konknni in Romi script. In fact, they
opposed even at the last moment and tried to stop the then Chief Minister
to give grants to DKA but in vain.

10.       Protagonists of Konknni in Romi script continued their fight with
Kala Academy to restore the Literary Award to Konknni in Romi script. The
protagonists of Konknni in Romi script also demanded that Award for Konknni
in Romi script should be given in a separate category. This is needed
because the Devnagari lobby consider the literature of Konknni in Romi
script is below standard and many a time pass derogatory comments on
literature of Konknni in Romi script even without reading the books. This
bias against Konknni in Romi script does not help the writers of Konknni in
Romi script to get any awards as the panel of judges include Devnagari
writers only. Hence the demand for separate category.

11.       The agitation with Kala Academy continued and finally the
Executive Board of Kala Academy took a decision to give separate award for
Konknni books in Romi script. The press note to this effect was issued,
books in Konknni in Romi script  were called, a committee was set up and
the first award for a book in Konknni in Romi script  for the first time
was given by Kala Academy in separate category. The book ‘Kunkolle-Ek Mahan
Ganv’  written by late Fr. Planton Faria  received the first literary award.

12.       However, as the decision afterwards was discussed in the General
Council of Kala Academy, Adv. Uday Bhembre who was  the member of General
Council of Kala Academy along with the supporters of all the Marathi lovers
in the General Council managed to revert the decision. Once again injustice
to Konknni in Romi script was perpetuated by Kala Academy due to the
pressure tactics from Devnagari lobby. That time Shri Pratapsing Rane was
the Chairman of Kala Academy.

13.       When  Shri Vishnu Surya Wagh became the Chairman of Kala Academy,
the protagonists of Konknni in Romi script again approached the Chairman
and placed before him the injustice done to writers of Konknni in Romi
script. Being a litterateur himself, he understood the matter and finally
took a decision in the Executive Board as well as in the General Council to
give separate award to Konknni in Romi script along with separate awards to
other Goans who create literature in English and in other Indian languages.

14.       From the statements of the leaders of the GKA and that of
Devnagari lobby, it only appears that they are frustrated because if
recognition is given to Konknni in Romi script it may flourish and
adversely affect the prospects of Konknni in Devnagari  script as it
happened in the primary education.

15.       These four organizations will leave no stone unturned to see that
the decision taken by Kala Academy is not reverted because it is done to
give justice to the writers of Konknni in Romi script. These organizations
will meet the Hon’ble Chief Minister and other political personalities to
see that the justice done to writers of Konknni in Romi script is not

*Shri Premanand A. Lotlikar, *President of Dalgado Konknni Akademi* *

*Shri Tomazinho Cardozo, *President of Jagotik Konknni Songhotton*    *

*Prince Jacob, *President of Tiatr Academy Goa*

*Shri Wilson Mazarello, Convenor, *Romi Lipi Action Front*

*Shri Jose Salvador Fernandes*, Secretary of Dalgado Konknni Akademi

 *Shri Walter Menezes*, Treasurer of Dalgado Konknni Akademi

*Fr.Conceicao D'Silva,* Executive Member of Dalgado Konknni Akademi

*Xmt. Jessie Dias,* Executive Member of Dalgado Konknni Akademi

Dated:         *24.09.2013*

Place: *Tiatr Academy Goa, Conference Hall, *

*          Campal, Panjim, Goa *

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