I  was just voicing my frustration, knowing that nobody in India will care to 
do anything about it,
least of all the Police.  While I have received a number of responses comments, 
agreeing with me,
none of them were from people living in India.  Folks here in India have gotten 
used to this crazy
dangerous driving and accept it as part of life. People put scant value on life 
in India                       In the same manner they accept the increasing 
amount of trash strewn all about as part of life in India.  When I wrote the 
original post, I did not even remember to mention the Cows and sometimes dogs 
sitting smack in the middle of the Highways, with nobody in authority doing 
anything about it.  Sometimes there is a herd of cows with their calves 
standing in the middle of the road, and one has to honk and shout, and push  
forward with your car hoping that the beast will allow you to pass.  This is 
India !  Do the authorities or politicians care ?  I doubt it.

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