Tks Jim,
Makes a whole lot of sense.
Give to Receive is the motto.
Perhaps the Republicans has forgotten this altogether.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Fernandes" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 8:22 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Offtopic: Fighting a loosing battle

So you heard the storyline - The US government is going through what they call - a shutdown.

Make no mistake - the US hasn't gone to sleep or its military is snoozing on "Copachem". The republicans are pulling stunts to kill what is widely known as Obamacare - a health insurance law that forces most Americans to either get themselves health insurance or pay a penalty.

Even though I tried quite objectively to understand the republican point of view, I am still perplexed at the lack of reasoning power displayed by their actions. So what is going on here?

There are those who ask 'Why do I need health coverage? Why force something on me when I am not interested in it ?'

Well, how many of these folks are willing to hang a note around their necks, requesting to let themselves die, if they need expensive medical care in a life and death situation? How many of these guys are willing to carry a wrist band stating to NOT let them rush to hospitals, if they get into catastrophic medical emergencies, because they do not carry insurance?

Imagine a healthy 20-something who lacks medical insurance, gets into a serious car accident. He is rushed to a nearby hospital and gets treated. Who does he imagine will pick up his medical expenses? By not having medical insurance, this guy is driving up the cost of insurance for everyone else who happen to purchase it. Would you not agree? After all, the hospital isn't exactly a charity.

The least such people should consider doing is to purchase catastrophic health insurance. For those who cannot afford to purchase the coverage, Obama's plan subsidizes the health coverage via tax rebates. So why block it? There are some who would not qualify for tax rebates because they make too little. But these folks only have their own states to blame (states that are run by republicans) because they refused to expand Medicaid - a health program for the very poor.

Then there are those at the other extreme of the age spectrum who also think Obamacare is a horrible idea. These are folks who are mostly retired and collecting Social Security benefits and enjoying Medicare (a highly subsidized medical program for the retirees) for life.

Could these guys care to take a moment and check how much money they actually contributed into Social Security and Medicare during their entire working life? Please calculate how much you contributed into the system and how much you are collecting from the government.

I guarantee you - whatever these folks contributed into the system years ago - even after adjusting for inflation - is peanuts. What they are collecting is much more. I would like these guys to understand that the money they are collecting, is NOT falling from the sky. Part of it is coming out of my paycheck.

So if you are against Obamacare, why do you want Social Security and Medicare?

As far as I am concerned, I still have 20 more years of working life to take care of my retirement and medical needs. I am really not interested in contributing more than $14,000 a year into Social Security (employee and employer contributions) and a few thousand more into Medicare. Are you willing to do away with it? I have already put in 20 years into the system and I am still willing to forego my benefits, if these guys are willing to close the shop on Social Security and Medicare as soon as they get what they contributed plus a generous 5% return. If you are fighting against Obamacare, please also fight to do away with SS and Medicare - I really don't need it.

I would like to call myself a centrist. If a republican comes up with an interesting manifesto, I'd vote for him/her, just like how I would vote for a democrat. But clearly, the republicans are fighting an unjust battle. Now they are threatening to not raise the debt limit and force a US default. Wait a minute - what the hell is a debt limit? No other country has one!

Actually, I think Obama should call their bluff. Do you know who has the most money?

The one percenter's of course!

And who are these so called one percenter's (the high net worth folks) politically aligned with?

I'd say - mostly republican.

So, in the event the US defaults, who stands to loose the most?

Ah ha - the super rich!!!

Let the US default!

Of course the republicans wouldn't want to loose their money. So they would be forced to work with the president and raise the debt limit anyway. Which means the US won't default. Which also means the republicans are fighting a loosing battle.

Jim F
New York.

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