On 5 October 2013 10:22, Edwin/Diana Pinto <eddipi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Re:Naval airport at Karwar (Mario Vaz, Chinchinim) (Goanet Reformat)
> In response to Mr. Mario Vaz's letter "Naval Airport at Karwar", GFDO
> would like to state that when individuals come together for a cause, a set
> of priorities is created, based upon which a strategy is formulated. From
> Mario Vaz's letter, it is abundantly clear that acquiring civilian status
> for Dabolim Airport and getting the Navy out is a burning priority for him.
> Therefore, going by the strong opinion expressed by him, he is absolutely
> free to set up his own organisation and push for this issue so very close
> to his heart, or he could join GFDO and try to convince its members of the
> urgency of the issue he has raised over and above the  priorities arrived
> at by them after some thought and deliberation. After all, it is an
> indisputable fact of life that strong convictions backed by practical and
> tangible support is always appreciated.
> GFDO is well aware of the sacrifices made by ordinary people who get
> together and give of their time, energy and even finances in campaigning
> and working for community issues. Hence it will never publicly undermine
> ordinary citizens engaged in a struggle for a public cause, even if there
> are underlying differences in perceptions. As such, whatever path Mr. Mario
> Vaz may choose to tread, GFDO wishes him all success and the very best in
> his endeavours.
> Fr, Eremito Rebelo,
> Convenor, GFDO
> ------------------------------
> ****************************************

RESPONSEW: Well said!


Gabe Menezes.

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