18th February 2012: Passenger Bus goes into the River Mandovi
at Carona-Calvim Ferry Point

18th February 2012: Government orders Magisterial Enquiry

22nd February 2012: Public Notice Issued – published in
Newspapers on 23rd Feb.  2012 - to submit evidence orally or
in writing to the District Magistrate between the 24th and
27th February 2012.

24th February 2012: Aldona Civic and Consumer Forum sent
written suggestions to the District Magistrate one of which
was to erect a speed breaker at an appropriate place so that
no vehicle skids down towards the ramp.

9th March 2012: Notification was issued ordering the
construction of 'Speed Breaker' at Carona/Calvim ferry
point...  and report compliance within fifteen days time.

11th April 2012: Aldona Civic and Consumer Forum complained
to the District Magistrate informing him no action had been
taken on the Notification and also requested a copy of the
Magisterial Enquiry Report.  No reply received

21st Feb. 2013: Aldona Civic and Consumer Forum again
requested a copy of the Magisterial Report

11th March 2013: Aldona Civic and Consumer Forum received a
reply from the Collector (North) that the Magisterial Report
was confidential and could not be submitted to a third party.

1st August 2013: Marie DSouza, a Senior Citizen and Member of
the Gram Sabha of the Aldona Village Panchayat makes an RTI
Application to PIO, Office of the Collector requesting a copy
of the Magisterial Enquiry Report

6th August 2013: Application transferred to the Under
Secretary (Home), Porvorim

14th August 2013: Under Secretary informs that the
information contains 65 pages and Amount to be paid is Rs.130

      The Index is as follows:
      1. Report           pgs. 1-10
      2. Site Sketch      pg 11
      3. Public Notice    pg 12
      4. Representations recd from groups of villagers
         from Aldona     pgs.13-22
      5. Representation from Aldona Civic & Consumers
         Forum           pgs 23-24
      6. Depositions     pgs 25-63

28th September 2013: The Magisterial Enquiry report is
discussed at the Monthly Meeting of the Aldona Civic and
Consumer Forum

Marie D'Souza

* * * * * * * * *  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Aires Rodrigues
10:57 (4 hours ago)

to goanet

After the initial assurance that it would be completed in
eight months and the various further extended deadlines, the
Calvim bridge will finally be inaugurated today on the
auspicious occasion of Dussehra.  With the state coffers
empty was there a need for this debt ridden government to
release half page advertisements in today’s newspapers
announcing this function?

          While we need to congratulate Chief Minister
          Manohar Parrikar on being able to complete a first
          project initiated by his government we need to
          remind Manohar Parrikar that the mere inauguration
          of the bridge will not bring solace to the parents
          of those four young kids who continue to be
          distraught over a very tainted police investigation
          into the accident that led to the death of their
          little children.

On 18th February 2012 in that horrific Calvim tragedy, six
persons including four small school going children lost their
lives, when a local bus plunged into the river overshooting
the ferry ramp.

          Eye witnesses recall that Samarth Shirodkar the son
          of then President of Aldona BJP block Committee Mr.
          Shivanand Shirodkar was at the wheels of the 17
          year old rickety bus.  Locals say that Samarth who
          had been rusticated from the local school for
          misbehavior used to frequently steer the bus on a
          short joy ride till the ferry point while the
          driver alighted at the main junction.

In a clear case of a cover up to save the real accused after
a sloppy politically driven investigation, the police charge
sheeted the bus owner Chandrakant Naik and his son Yogesh
Naik who was wrongly named as the bus driver at the time of
the accident.  The police investigation has intentionally
failed to fix responsibility on Samarth Shirodkar, the person
really responsible for recklessly steering the bus into the
river causing this avoidable tragedy.  Everyone in the
locality knows who the real culprit is except this government
which has conveniently shielded him.  The parents of those
four young children are flustered that the real culprit after
having driven their children to a watery grave is still at

Will the Chief Minister who is also the Home Minister explain
why the real culprit of this fatal accident has not been
brought to book?  Is this Government shielding the real
culprit despite its vow of Zero tolerance, good governance
and transparency.  This government will have to face the
wrath of those four angels now in heavenly abode and their
grieving families who feel terribly let down.

While the Calvim bridge today becomes a reality let us
remember the victims of that tragedy.  The four young girls
Priyal Salgaonkar, Nagle Gracias and Elvina Dias along with
her sister Diana Dias who lost their lives, not forgetting
Dayanand Hoble and Josephine Dias who were also traveling in
that fatal bus.  The very bubbly 10 year old Priyal was the
only hope for her widowed mother.

* * * * * * * * *  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Calvim Bridge - Preparations for inauguration in full swing -
painting, hot mixing etc


Preparations for inauguration in full swing - painting, hot
mixing etc Why wait till tomorrow??  This is today at 6.30pm,
inauguration same time tomorrow




on the bridge

The bridge is the outcome of the tragic deaths of February

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