Despite there being a very clear and categorical diktat by the Supreme
Court that judges should not socialize with advocates, there seems no
rigorous compliance of this very salutary prescription. Just because Goa is
a holiday destination, does it mean that it should be exempt from this much
required norm?

Official Tea parties within the High Court premises could be okay. But
highly spirited dinner parties, hosted at starred hotels, are another
story: a potential avenue for Advocates to creep and cultivate convenient
relations with Judges. It can also lead to funny, embarrassing and
demeaning situations at times.

There was one such gala dinner at a Panaji Hotel, last Friday. The
centerpiece of the function was that, midway through the dinner, one Senior
Advocate who reportedly went way above the breathalyzer’s permissible
limits had to be escorted home limping by another Senior Advocate  who
seemed to be somewhat more steady. It must have been a bumpy ride. The next
day being a working Saturday for the High Court, one wonders how the
hangover was taken care of.

Recently circulated amongst the legal fraternity in Goa was an anonymous
letter addressed to the Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court with a copy
endorsed to each of the 55 Bombay High Court judges. The letter pertains to
the farewell dinner accorded on August 18th this year at Panaji to a
retiring High Court judge.

A perusal of this well articulated crispy letter reveals that it was not
drafted by any Tom, Dick and Harry. It is however saddening that the author
did not have the courage to reveal his name and chose to sign as ‘the
Concerned Citizen’. The many ills our society faces today is because we are
not ready to speak up the hard facts and stick our neck.

The contact between Advocates and judges should be restricted to the Court
room. This would go a long way in ensuring an independent, unbiased, free
and fair Judiciary.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

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