To begin with, only the law ensures equality to all. 
Have these guys lost it. This seems to be an outpouring of frustration and 
anger, tapping into the so called anti Bammon feeling. This article works very 
hard to create a divide in the Catholic community. Certain sections know the 
stalwarts and pillars of Konkani are in the south, what better way to crack 
this Konkani Bastion. 
To begin with there are no Hindu Bammons, they are Brahmin. Bammon is the term 
used for Catholic converts. The Brahmins do not consider Bammons as true 
Brahmins but accept them as less or lesser equal. This being a typical goan 
   Mahalsa Pai and Timoja Nayak wanted a hindu ruled state or a state aligned 
with a hindu King. Nowhere does it state that they or anybody else wished to 
turn Goa into a 'Bammon' state. 
   "During the Portuguese rule from 1510 to 1961,  Bamonns of Goa learnt the 
Portuguese language and benefited from the Portuguese rule for education,jobs 
and other areas of life. " the term Bammon again being a reference to 
Catholics. Such statements have always been spouted by those who are violently 
anti Catholic. This shows the mindset of the MRA.
    "Romi Konknni and Marathi, were the two Indian languages which were popular 
in Goa as written languages and used for all spheres of life such as religious, 
spiritual, cultural, literature, educational, etc. " this is outright bull. 
Konknni has always been the language of Goa. Prior to the arrival of the 
portuguese the script used was Modi and Halekannada, this is possible as for 
most of its recorded history Goa was ruled by kings based in present day 
Karnataka, prior to this the Modi script was prevalent across Large parts of 
India. It was only because of the suppression of Konknni by the Portuguese that 
the script disappeared. There are ample proofs that the Portuguese torched 
stacks of Written knowledge these Tomes were written in Modi and Halekannada 
and no mention is made of Marathi. Only after this Konknni Holocaust, that 
Marathi was used in religious matters in Goa. If I am not mistaken the Modi 
script was far more widely used then Devnagiri.
"The first Marathi inscription written in 1236 is found on a copper plate at 
Kasarpal of Bicholim Taluka." Does this imply that the whole of Goa spoke 
Marathi? A cross was found in Sancoale which has been dated as Pre Portuguese, 
does this mean that the whole of Goa was Christian before the arrival of the 
"Portuguese missionaries were the first one to start the written tradition to 
Konknni in 1556. They used the Roman script to write and print Konknni. Since 
then, Romi Konknni developed as a written language. Till then Konknni was only 
a spoken language and it had no written tradition." On the one hand they 
destroy the written records then have so much love for Konknni that they start 
a whole new script? What was the need? The only reason being their plan of 
conquest. Change the very culture of the converts to pro Portuguese, they did 
this by
1) forcing all converts to change their surnames and live separately not in 
joint families.
2) forcing the converts to change their attire to a European fashion
3) banning hindu festivals so that catholic converts would not participate in 
the same
4) ensuring a different form of worship and different design of homes and 
Last but not the least change their script to a European one. Obviously Konknni 
was a robust language and the Portuguese realised that to gain complete 
supremacy they had to Destroy the language. Why burn the books if they were not 
a threat. Konknni being a main uniting force between Hindu and Catholic was 
destroyed so as to further separate the people. Without doubt Konknni had its 
own script or scripts and was a dynamic and uniting Language.
     "All the known scholars and linguists have said that the inscription is in 
Marathi.  In Tanjavore temple in Tamil Nadu there are plenty of Marathi 
inscriptions in the Devanagari script." This only proves that there was a lot 
of trade during those days. Land measures till date in Goa are of sumerian 
origin. Does this mean that we were ruled by Sumer, or that the sumerian 
language was spoken widely in Goa? The Phoenicians, Arabs, Romans traded 
extensively in with Goa based merchants and there will be various inscriptions 
if one searches, but were their languages widely spoken. 
    "In 1987 a Konknni dialect (Devanagari Konknni) of approximately 2% of 
Goans, namely the Bamonn community, was declared as the Official Language of 
Goa through their manipulative methods! " this again is misleading. The 2% 
refers to Hindu Saraswat Brahmins. As I mentioned earlier "Bammons" are not 
counted as brahmin and therefore counted as Cathloic not Brahmin.          I am 
in absolute awe, 2% manipulating 98%? These guys should be governing India. 
With such brilliance they will soon conquer the world. How did Mahalsa Pai and 
Timoja who belonged to the Saraswat community not see through Alphonse de 
"The Bamonn Community promoted the Devanagari Konknni to have an upper hand 
over the Catholic Community and Hindu Bahujan Samaj, which identified with 
Marathi" if the Hindu Bahujan Samaj had not supported Konknni, Marathi would 
have been the state language and the Goan Catholics would have been eating 
    "Though the Bamonn Community widely uses Marathi still, they promoted 
Devanagari Konknni and not Marathi because the Marathi used by them and the 
Bahujan Samaj is identical and it is influenced by the standard Marathi.  The 
Bamonn Community knew very well that Marathi will not give them the greater 
advantage over the Bahujan Samaj. To suppress, oppress and subdue the Bahujan 
Samaj and the Catholic Community, the Devanagari Konknni was created and 
vociferously promoted.  It was a Machiavellian or Chanakya's conspiracy hatched 
by asection of the Bamonn Community to impose their dialect under the garb of 
the Devanagari script as the standard language over the rest of the Goans!" 
This is convoluted hog wash. What sense does it make? Why go through this 
Machiavellian or Chankya Charade. If my community uses Marathi widely, i will 
use all my guile to promote Marathi and we would anyway control the whole of 
Goa through control of the Language. What sense does it make to create a new 
script, promote it and make sure it is the state language to gain control when 
I can do the same thing without raising a sweat. Today can any group suppress, 
oppress and subdue anybody. Only the politicians and police who do not know 
which caste, class or nationality they belong to.
To close
Konknni is the language of unity. The Marathi Rajbhasha Andolan (MRA) has from 
day one pushed Marathi with only one aim. Keep Goa divided on Religious lines. 
This will benefit them in two ways. One a quite merger with Maharashtra once 
Marathi becomes a state language, and two have a hindu vote bank.  They have no 
love for Goa and most are those who migrated and held on to their language and 
seem to be suffering from some insecurity issues. 
Politics makes strange bedfellows, but in this case it is a marriage blessed in 
Bedlam. The Romi Konknni Andolon (RKA), seem to have lost their sense of 
direction. To have teamed up with a group that is opposed to a united Goa, has 
been anti Catholic from the start, is a completely political body masquerading 
as an Andolan, and hell bent on destroying Goa is nothing short of stunning. 
This new strategy of the MRA has been planned and put into effect by non other 
then Brahmins, thats why they have never mentioned the word as it would be 
insulting. This plan is to divide the people of South Goa along Caste lines and 
divide the Catholic community. It is now upto the people of Goa to tread 
cautiously, be wise and not fall into such traps and Machiavellian or Chnakya 
Devious schemes.
I would request all my goan brothers and sisters to remember we are one people, 
one in thought, one in deed and one in Language and attitude. We are peace 
loving, sensible, trust in God, and are content with the blessings God has 
given us. Lead us forge ahead unitedly. Konknni is the Language of our state 
and as a language can be written a myriad scripts, it is no problem having Romi 
and Modi as a script. But no addition languages please as this will open the 
doors to demands from other people who have migrated to Goa, where will it all 
end? Having Konknni with devnagiri script was the most sensible compromise and 
we should use it as often as we can. 
God bless and keep you all
Cyrus Sanches

Sets me free, my iPad3
The heat is on. Goa is boiling

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