Dear Editor
Navhind Times

Kindly report this text of mine in your Letters to the Editor column. Thanks

Stephen Dias
Mob: 9422443110


Your Editorial on “THINK OF THE HEART” the figures on Cardio –Vascular
deaths projected by the Goa Medical College and  Hospital Prof Wiseman
Pinto does not appear to be the actual number of deaths taken place
while they are on treatment of heart ailments at the GMC.  I
understand from the internal sources that these figures are incorrect
and that the increase numbers of deaths are added of patients dying
while being shifted to GMC at the verge of dying for all sort of
ailment and rarely heart failures by private clinics. This is done in
order not to get the blame or reduce the number of death figure in
their clinics. These deaths are generally taking place while on
admission or just at the time of starting the treatment at the GMC and
it is not known whether the death was due to heart ailment. And also
most of the times it has been reported patients dying due to accident
as heart failures. This way the figures which GMC has reported are
found to be exaggerated. The heart attacks certificates are easily
been issued even for those who had no heart problems. Therefore the
number of deaths due to heart failure as reported by GMC is on the
rise which is not. It is become easy for a normal resident doctor to
issue a certificate for a heart failure as the diagnosis for any other
ailment is quite difficult to report and time consuming.

I know a case just recently been reported for a patient having cancer
disease  for a long time and that the certificate was issued by a MBBS
doctor  that her death was due to heart failure because cancer
certification can be precisely be issued  only  by a cancer

Stephen Dias

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