 I must tell you guys that I often go to Pune mostly by Bus and rarely
by my car to see my daughter who is working there. What I noticed just
few days back I must put to public domain to understand what is going
on at Goa borders and in the interstate  Buses.

I boarded the Bus near Kadamda Bus Stand on Varun slipper Bus. And on
the way lots of discrepancies were noticed by me of Bus conductor/s.
In fact I was expecting certain restriction during my journey, but
nothing sort of that has taken place. This is in regards to Nigerians
issue which Goa Police should have taken note or care  for further

Nowhere in the Bus Police with uniform or no uniform is seen checking
going on for Nigerians fleeing this State. In fact I saw two drug
addict boarding the Bus at Satara( Maharastra)  on my return, with his
pipe trumpet and gumot with lots of amount of bags, smoking and with
full of energy. They got down at Mapusa and one vehicle comes straight
to them during their arrival and takes them to some place, possible at
Candolim, Calangute etc No policeman is seen at the arrival of Buses
in Goa . Who comes and who goes is none of  their business, it just
drug flowing into Goa and I am not empowered to check them as I do not
have uniform or “fittam” Divisas! on my shoulders, but I know that
something  “cuki”/ “fishy” is going on.This is in the name of tourism
.  On the way infact somebody comes at Satara in our Bus and ask for
my ticket to show him. Because this particular agent has sold the same
 ticket number in duplicate which I was already occupying. I refuse to
show him. He says that he is an agent, I said I also bought the ticket
from an another agent but in Pune.I refuse point blank and Bus
conductor does comes to my rescue.  So these agents are selling
tickets duplicates and taking this white skin people to Goa probably
for sale of drugs. Who will check them? Also I have photographs of 8
big cardboard boxes filled with something and that was put in the
corridor at the entrance of bus after 11PM and download at 6AM at
Pernem. We could not even go for urination but I had to go over these
cartoons and come back. Nobody tells me what is inside of those
cartoons. I believe it could be vegetable to sell down in Goa or
something else? These boxes are down loaded at Pernem just before the
check post of Goa border.  I cannot go after the boxes to see where
these are to go. No policeman is seen in the Bus and comes for
checking. Nobody borders in the Bus to know it. Because all rest of
the passengers are outsiders coming to Goa for sightseeing. I was the
only one who was getting panic. I took photographs of packages and the
Bus. But what should I do? Can RTO or Police act upon? Do Govt is
interested with this issue? It is all MESS in Goa. How many Buses come
down to Goa from different places? Who checks them at Bus stand? First
of all this Bus Stand is illegal. Goa Govt does it get any revenue?
How many foreigners visit Goa, whether Nigerians comes or go is not
known the numbers? Who keeps the record? Who bothers for the list what
the drivers have asked us to fill in? The ticket which I bought was Rs
1000/=each  both ways on 2nd and 7th Nov. Different Bus different rate
of ticket. Who controls this rise of tickets?and nothing less than Rs
1000/- on those critical days. Why Aaam asdmi is put in such a
monetary loss.No reduction for senior citizens of Goa.  The actual
amount should have been between 300- to 400/- for a sleeper to Pune
but the amount is gone to Rs1000/ to 1500/- per ticket and may be
because of Dipawali holidays?

If anybody goes to Bus Stand near the Mandovi Bridge you can witness
all sort of stupid things going on.Garbage litter all over the places.
 Taxi drivers from Goa comes at the Bus when it arrives and enter
inside and ask, is anybody wants to go to Calangute, Candolim or
Chapora etc.? This is business in Goa and drug trade must be going on
for sure.  That antinarcotics cell or police ANC is sleeping at the
Police Station or in barracks? and nobody borders until something
takes place recently similar to Povorim by Nigerians who have taken
this State at ransom? Lots of incidents and many such cases will take
place in near future, pistols and guns will come out openly firing at
policemen? Wait and see. Is CM will say 7 foot people cannot be
confronted by our short police men.? and our Police have only lathis
and pistol without ammunition for the PI's and that too they are not
allowed to use on this kind of emergency, I believe?

Stephen Dias

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