On Nov 15, 2013, at 6:51 PM, Aires Rodrigues <airesrodrigu...@gmail.com> wrote:

"To protect the interest of the Goan youth there needs to be a total BLANKET 
ban on extensions in service and contract appointments to the retired with NO 
EXCEPTIONS whatsoever.  Infact the government needs to revert the retirement 
age to 58 and bring hope to the young UNEMPLOYED. That will be a true and much 
needed Parivartan."


I believe that Governments have the primary responsibility to govern. 

The civil service would be best managed IF there was a system of apprenticeship 
by which juniors are trained by seniors to take over when it is time for the 
seniors to retire. 

What damages good governance is a combination of the following (incomplete 
list):  political interference and favoritism, influence peddling, back-biting, 
domination of junior babus by senior babus even to the point where juniors are 
delegated to routinely do household chores for the seniors, and near non-total 
non-performance of the job they are hired to do....etc

While Aires may be expressing his (the common) frustration with the unending 
ghuspott in Goa, his solution is not only unreasonable but also 



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