Boas Festas

    As one leaves the
picturesque  village  of Assolna at the crossroads  stood the unique peepal  
tree which got uprooted in the monsoon of
2013 where the betal temple is situated and parallel to it lies the huge cross
that can never go unnoticed in the Assolna market place ,each of these
unique  historical structures are
surrounded by the famous  fish market
that sells the best assorted river fish  from the agars in the village and we 
also have the well known Lohia
Chowk  where the origin of the June 1946
liberation  movement was conceptualized .
On entering Assolna one cannot fail to notice  the church of Our Lady of Regina 
Martyrum  wherein  alongside meanders the river Sal   , the church was 
initially a fortress during the Portuguese era  built in 1616 on the Neo-Roman 
style with a
prominent triangular gable and has a large bell tower to the left with
balustrades.. The Queen of Martyrs houses on the left wall the attractive stone
grotto of Our lady of Lourdes  built in
History  relates that
on 25th July 1583 five religious of the Society of Jesus Rev. Frs.
Rudolph Acquaviva, Alphonsus Pacheco, Peter Berno, Anthony Francis and
Bro.Francis Aranha along with Goncalo Rodrigues a Portuguese and 14 native
Christians were  massacred in
Cuncolim,and as a retribution the Portuguese Army raided and destroyed
orchards  in the village and unleashed
many atrocities on the local population. The Captain Major Incharge of the
Portuguese Army garrison at the Assolna fort now a Church, invited the
Kshatriya Gaonkars of Cuncolim for talks at the fort and in an act of treachery
sixteen of them were similarly executed without trial by the Potuguese
authorities,  out of which one escaped
execution by jumping into the Assolna river through  a toilet hole and fled to 
Karwar,Karnataka. Thus this church was given the name in association with these
martyrdoms which is the only church in South Goa with this title.
The’ Church is also surrounded on both sides by two
cemeteries  with an elaborate Rocco
façade.The uniqueness about this church in the South is that in its
compound  one does not fail to notice the
elegant and grand monument of the CHRIST THE KING   the Asian wonder, 
surrounded on all four
corners by the Marble statues of the  four Apostles of the New Testament 
John,Luke,Mark and Mathew.  Besides, it has a central motif of the Holy
Spirit,and beautifully carved urns flanked by horn blowing angels which was
blessed on 26 th April 1942 .My  avô   Maria Ida Cotta Pinto de  Almeida used 
to relate to us in our childhood
that this Cristo Rei statue  was a
replica of the 54 feet   white marble
statue built in front of the St.Patrick’s Cathedral in Karachi, Pakistan 
the Shahrah e Iraq previously known as Clark Street constituting one of the
seven wonders of the world. The CRISTO REI in Karachi and the world renowned
CRISTO REDEMTOR atop Mount Corcovado In Rio De Janeiro constituting 220 steps
an inspiration for poems and songs famous being the “Corcovaddo” by Tom Jobin
and “Blessed to be a witness” penned by Ben Harper so also we have the Cristo
del Otero Palencia in Castile and Leon  all  were built in October 1931
.We have the tallest Christ the King monument 108 feet tall rising above the
Polish plains in Swiebodzin, Poland.completed in November 2010.The Cristo de La
Noas on a dice cup in Torreon ,Coahuila in Guanajuato, Mexico is  2,700 metres 
high. Designed by Rev.Jose
Rodriguez.The Cristo Resucitado is built inside a cemetery in San Rafael
Tlalnepantla completed  in the 70’s in
Mexico. These statues signify purity and pride in the devotion of Christ the
The feast of Our Lady of Regina Martyrum is usually
celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of November and this year it will be
celebrated on Sunday the 17th of November  and the masses are at 6am, 7.30am, 
and the High Mass at 9.00 am and the main celebrant will be Rev.Fr.Edson
Fernandes, Director of Diocesan Centre for Biblical Apostolate along with the 
Vicar South and Parish Priest Rev. Fr.Lucio Dias,Chaplain of Ambelim
Rev.Fr.Savio Dsouza and Assistant Parish Priests Rev.Frs.Xavier Estibeiro and
Elvis Dias. The theme for this year constitutes-Mary model of relationships
towards family and neighbours At the end of the festivities you have a football
match  played in one of the Agors at the
origin of the strongest bridge built during the Portuguese Era which connects
this village to the rest of the  South.
Immediately, preceding this feast on the 20th follows the feast of
Pe. Agnelo De Sousa at the Pilar Monastery and the feast of Our Lady of Rosary
Church, Navelim , Salcete, Goa on 20th Wednesday itself ,a feast instituted
by  Pope St. Pius V in thanksgiving for
the great naval victory over the Turks at the battle of Lepanto in the year
1570, where rosary is a tool used to aid prayer and meditation on all
improvements of salvation history,  and
then we have the following Sunday on the 24th  November the feast of the Christ 
the King
celebrated all over ,and especially at Assolna at 5pm at this magnificient  
heritage monument.

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