Sometimes the easiest solution is also the most difficult.

The people of Goa should forget about dissipating their energy in all 
directions like the drugs problem, the corruption problem, the traffic problem, 
the outsider problem, the mining problem, the beaches problem, the political 
interference problem, the robbery problem, the gambling problem, the 
prostitution problem, the goonda problem right upto the word problem itself.

Everthing can be traced to an ineffective, spineless and underpaid police 
force. Push, agitate, don't rest until just two related things are achieved. A) 
the police are well-paid (Goa can afford it if it can afford many of the 
current idiotic benefits that are thrown much like confetti). This may not 
totally eliminate bribery but it will be controllable and thus punishable. B) 
Remove political control and put it under civilian, totally non-political 
Police Board oversight like the rest of the world does. Board staffed with 
publicly respected people from different walks of life. Since the CM, Home 
Minister or any other minister will have zilch to do with the police, any 
orders from them in the interest of the state or of governance should go 
through the board and in writing subject therefore to RTI. Appointments, 
promotions, transfers all done by the PD itself, higher levels reviewed by the 

Robbing sand? Culprits arrested and charged. Mineowners flouting the law? 
Ditto. Vagrants sleeping on public property? Keep a large police marine rubber 
dinghy and send them for a night's rough sleep in a group with duty police 
onboard. Ditto for polluting and lawbreaking casino operators. Home Ministers 
and sons found dabbling in drugs? Sodium Penthotal (truth serum) aka narco 
tests like for serious criminal and terrorists in India. Nigerians on the 
rampage? Just clamp down on the drug trades both local and foreigners. By the 
way all that wouldn't have happened at all if everybody trusted the police. As 
an interviewed Nigerian said it, his people suspected police would plant drugs 
on the murder victim. A not unfounded expectation given the history of the Goa 
Police in such matters.

All democratic and lawful methods within existing powers implemented without 
fear or favor for public, politicians and police alike.

Of course I may be accused of smoking sonething strong to expect such a 
solution to be implemented (which minister with his chamchas  want to leave 
office in the same financial situation as they entered it or which Goan voter 
is bothered enough to actually want to do this) but if one has equally or more 
effective solutions please make it known.


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