Dear Madam / Sir,

The other day I was watching at 09.00 PM Mr Arnab's programme 'news'  and
found that he was trying to prove that  AAP party is also corrupt.  I can't
understand why all are after this  new born party to finish it in the bud.
Why Media is not giving/forming  us a clean party?.  Which Party is better
than AAP?.  Is Bi.Jhe.Pi  or Kongress  are any good ? , are their hands
clean ? .  Let us at least have a change in corruption system  when we have
highly trained corrupted/tainted/criminals etc MP's as  soldiers to guard
the MPs or ex MP's will be best opposition for AAP.,  infact
they already started out of frustration.

My humble request to Media is please permit to make a change from this  few
extreme rogues.


A Afonso

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