Whenever an Arts, Literary or Intellectual festival is held in Goa, almost
like a knee-jerk reaction there are some people who will begin to scream
that it should be banned.

One such knee-jerk artist is one Stephen Dias from Dona Paula who screams
in capital letters on Goanet:  "IFFI NEEDS TO BE ABANDONED FROM NEXT YEAR
ONWARDS (Stephen Dias)"

If one reads his letter it consists of much hysteria and little sense.
Apparently simply falaring the Konkani saying, "MANDRI POUN PAEM SODPACHEM"
justilfies his moral panic. This means incidentally 'One should stretch
one's feet according to the length of the blanket' The logic beats me.

There are others who scream at Think Fest organized by Tehelka. One of
those is a bunch appropriately named Kractivist: see

This year unfortunately for them, the misdemeanors committed by ThinkFest
organizer Tarun Tejpal this year have become a convenient peg to hammer
ThinkFest into the ground.

I honestly feel that these hysterics are not a little, but completely
misguided. It is clear by now that tourism is going to be a backbone of our
economy. For years we have been worrying that the tourists we get are all
the wrong class and that we should be seeking a better class of tourists to
boost our economy.

Obviously the people come for events like IFFI and ThinkFest are all middle
and upper class tourists - and even the film students who come for IFFI are
one day going to be intellectual leaders who will influence others as to
whether they should visit Goa or not. Why are we trying to cheese them off?

So although we do spend public money on IFFI the returns we get indirectly
through what the delegates spend is high. And so too is the image boost we
get from hosting such an event.

Then think of the work experience which all those college students get by
becoming volunteers at the event. And how could all the people interested
in cinema in Goa have ever got the exposure to world cinema which they get
at IFFI? I see people like Damodar Mauzo, Ramesh Veluskar, Pundalik Naik,
Maria Aurora Couto, Rajendra Talak, Dnyaneshwar Moghe not to mention a host
of others including many many simple Goans who just love movies and who
easily get the IFFI passes for just Rs 300/.

And as regards Think Fest I don't think any public money is spent as such -
but just see the prestige we earn by getting celebrities of the order of
Robert De Niro, Garry Kasparov, Nandan and Rohini Nilekani, Yogendra Yadav,
Medha Patkar, Amitabh Bachchan among others here in Goa.

True the organizers hype the event up to make out as if they will change
the world but nobody in their senses really buys this argument: basically
they are coming for a nice intellectually charged holiday. Next I expect
that the upcoming Goa Arts and Literary Festival is going to be the new
target because Govt puts some money into it.

For the love of me I don't understand why do we want to chase away these
upmarket people who really are the kind of tourists we should be inviting
to Goa.

Frankly I feel the likes of Stephen Dias of Dona Paula and the Kracktivists
just like to see their names in print which is why they make all this fuss.
Let them be invited to any of these events and we shall see how their tones

(Disclaimer: I'm a regular at IFFI, but I wouldn't go to Think Fest even if
invited as I'm simply not interested)


Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal
Moira, Bardez
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

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