Getting the news (and journalist-written commentaries) from Goa is
fine. But did you ever feel the need to take part in discussions on
Goa? You can easily do so, by switching from GoaNews to the
GoaNet/GoaNetDigest mailing list.

The advantages:
* You hear a wider diversity of views
* You get postings from others which you could take up for discussion
* You could get to meet old/long-lost friends, once you make a posting
  on this list and introduce yourself.
* You can ask queries, seek information on specific issues.
* There's a good chance that a helpful soul might help you to get
  access to specific information (linked to Goa) that you might need.
* GoaNet is the oldest mailing list of this network, and was set
  up way back in 1994. Over the years, it has seen the participation
  of literally hundreds of members from across the globe.

The options:
* GoaNet: this is a fairly higher-volume (depending on how many
  members participate in the discussions). You could expect to get 
  10 to 20 messages each day via this list. But, since the e-mail
  reaches you almost as soon as it's put out, you also get a chance
  to speedily take part in the debate without delays. Just as the
  debate is breaking. Some of our members prefer this list.
* GoaNet-Digest: For those wanting to avoid mailbox clutter. This
  contains all the postings of GoaNet, but the posts are bundled
  together and send out, in about 2-5 dispatches each day. You don't
  miss anything from GoaNet, but might not be able to speedily take
  part in discussions as they unfold, since you have to wait a few
  hours till you receive the 'digest'.

How this compares to GoaNews:
* GoaNews is a news-only mailing list. This means, only volunteering
  journalists can post to the list. It brings you low-volume news
  despatches. But there's no scope for discussion.
  Everything on GoaNews also gets posted to GoaNet/GoaNetDigest. You
  don't need to be a member of both lists, but being part of any
  one of the lists would do. (But being part of GoaNews alone will not
  bring you the above discussion options.)

How to shift over:
If you wish to move from one list to the other, just drop me a mail at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Please *make sure* to mention whether you would like
to shift to GoaNet *or* GoaNetDigest *and* what your current address is on
the GoaNews mailing list.

If you wish to unsubscribe at any stage, you're welcome to do so. We do
not keep any members on our lists against their wish. If you're having
problems in unsubscribing, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As our members would know, these lists are run free of cost. Occasionally,
commercial adverts are accepted and put out via the mailing-lists
*entirely* for the purpose of supporting not-for-profit ventures in Goa or
promoting GoaNet.

GoaNet has played its role in promoting positive ventures in Goa in the
past. This network has supported the Goa Schools Computers Project,
campaigned for the early setting up of a Internet node in Goa (1998), been
used as a fora for expats to support magazine reading sections in a few
schools in the state, raised funds to support a handicapped Goan
schoolgirl to take part in the special olympics, and put Goans in touch
with their home-state and each other in a number of other ways. Your
active involvement could help to bring out further positive aspects of
such an ambitious networking attempt. -FN (Frederick Noronha)

PS: GoaNet was founded by Herman Carneiro and is run by a team of
volunteers admin members. To contact them all, write to

Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa * India 832.409490 / 409783

To unsubscribe from Goanews Send a mail message to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
containing the line:
'unsubscribe goanews'

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