In trying to look at the other kernel issues people reported I had
repeated odd failures, which I eventually tracked down to this in the
3.2.12 recipe (new from 3.2.7):
      ARCH=`grep flags /proc/cpuinfo | grep -q " lm " && echo x86_64 ||
echo i686`
(and several other places)
I don't think that's right - it correctly detects a 64-bit chip, but it
pays no attention to the actual system architecture, or what the
compiler or anything else is built for. Running that command here (Core
i7) gives x86_64, even though it is a 32-bit system (`uname -m` = i686).

ARCH=x86_64 forces the CPU to "Generic-x86-64" and limits the processor
family options to only 64-bit ones, so you can't even fix it in
menuconfig. If you don't look at the processor then your compiler
eventually just bails out.

While I don't think that's right I'm not sure uname -m is either. There
are several changes on that same theme in the recipe and I don't know
what the intent is, but at the very least we should ask so people have a
chance to override what's detected. I am in favour of improving 64-bit
support or potentially switching to it entirely, so long as it works.

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