
anyone has a working upgraded GoboLinux to share?

============ news? ============

last live cd was 2008, I cant find news, any tips?

I just installed it on Virtual Box, and I am trying to upgrade it, but anything I try with glibc breaks up and forces me to re-install from the live-cd. I tried also goboPrefix at livecd to fix packages but after that wont complete the boot.

============ safe running with old dependencies ============

I saw how playonlinux works, with wineprefix;

And thinking on that, I wonder if each application could have a set of dependency application+version;

So, after upgrading an application, other applications that could be broken would still use the old versions of dependencies;

We would also run them with a script ex: Run gimp; and a prompt would come up with the versions available to select; and this script would set the proper dependencies; we could run any version this way.

(the problem would be settings file that could be incompatible with different versions of applications, such applications/versions could be black-listed)

The upgrading steps could be recorded, and some tests performed to auto-undo the last changes (keeping the extracted files).

“truth <http://www.jiddu-krishnamurti.net/>is a <http://www.jiddu-krishnamurti.net/en/the-first-and-last-freedom/1953-00-00-jiddu-krishnamurti-the-first-and-last-freedom-what-is-the-self>pathless <http://www.jiddu-krishnamurti.net/en/1934-1935-what-is-right-action/jiddu-krishnamurti-what-is-right-action-02>land” <http://www.jiddu-krishnamurti.net/en/1952/1952-04-08-jiddu-krishnamurti-2nd-public-talk> - *Jiddu Krishnamurti *“melhorando tudo, melhorando todos” <http://unibiotica.wordpress.com/2008/08/25/seis-regras-praticas-da-unibiotica/> - *Unibiótica* (saúde alternativa)

On 03/04/13 10:56, Endre Kollár wrote:
And where's the bottleneck?
Not rethink the ideology?

2013/4/2 Fabio Mierlo <fa...@n42.org <mailto:fa...@n42.org>>

    Happy Birthday GoboLinux 014.01!

    It is five years old today!

    Fabio Mierlo

    #1000 Official Gobolinux-user
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