One could argue that Upix fulfills most of your requirements.

I have actually been thinking of a way to implement UnionFS as a variant
for MODE_UPX, that would make an installation just a matter of overlaying
the files in "UPIXAPPDIR/system" with the root file system.

On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 10:51 AM, Carlo Calica <> wrote:

> The really nice thing about Gobo was how approachable the codebase was.
>  It was pretty easy to add features (like the unionfs sandbox) due to the
> different layers.  Each part was easy to understand.
> Creating a full distro is pretty ambitious.  Especially a modern one where
> the lower level parts are more integrated.  Having Gobo on the user level
> is very appealing (at least for me).  I think it should be distro agnostic.
>  Maybe targeting the same base requirements as Valve's Steam.  A lot of
> distros make it easy to run Steam and we could leverage that support.
> Just a quick requirements list off the top of my head.
> Distro Agnostic (target the Steam API,  anything beyond that should be
> installed within Gobo)
> Should be layered right on top of existing distro.  Root access required.
>  Should have /Programs /System can live without /Users.  No need for
> gobohide.  Shouldn't install in $HOME, that is too similar to Rootless.
> Should target application level packages.  Will provide more flexibility
> than appdirs.  For instance, AVR cross tool chains.
> Open issues:
> UnionFSSandbox   No idea what the best unionfs is right now.
> Recipes or BinaryPackages
> How to tie build system into the Steam ABI and Gobo while ignoring
> everything else in the base distro.
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 10:55 PM, John Buluba <> wrote:
>> I was primarily talking about gobolinux. I didnt understand exactly what
>> gnuppix project is about, maybe publishing some design goals make it more
>> clear. Anyway i will download the latest build to play around
>> On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 4:59 PM, Magnus Uppman 
>> <>wrote:
>>> Are you are refering to the Gnuppix project? If that's the case I would
>>> very much appreciate help with building packages. For starters everything
>>> in BLFS. ;-)
>>> On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 11:54 AM, <> wrote:
>>>>  Hello , I ’d like to contribute in any way that I can for this
>>>> project. I am not that experienced but I ’ll try to do my best. The idea of
>>>> a more logically structured system is very appealing to me , also the idea
>>>> of ripping off bash scripts and replacing with something more modern like
>>>> javascript (my vision was with something like python ).
>>>> Inform me if I can help in any way!
>>>> Thanks
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> Carlo J. Calica
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