What is the point of doing that in a language that doesn't support auto 
currying ? There is none. You are not currying anything by the way, you 
just wrote 3 closures. 

Le vendredi 17 juin 2016 00:00:43 UTC+2, Zauberkraut a écrit :
> Hello,
> Go enables the evaluation of functions using currying over function 
> literals. Every example I've found of this is rather shallow; a "deeper" 
> example I wrote implementing (x => (y => (z => x^2 + y^2 + z^2))) follows:
> func f(x int) func(int) func(int) int {
> return func(y int) func(int) int {
> return func(z int) int {
> return x*x + y*y + z*z
> }
> }
> }
> Go's limited type inference makes the explicit, cascading function types 
> necessary; this seems like an eyesore and maintenance concern. While I 
> don't really mind it, it does cause me to hear code review sirens going off 
> in the distance. Generally speaking, would an extended usage of this 
> paradigm be considered unidiomatic in Go? Obviously, the above example is 
> contrived and not the sort of use case in question. Thanks!

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