On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 2:50 PM, Martynas Pumputis <martyn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Recently I've bumped into a problem when using the Linux network
> namespaces in Go.
> In my program I have the following function:
> func do() {
>     runtime.LockOSThread()
>     defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
>     netns.Set(containerNs)
>     defer netns.Set(hostNs)
>     doSomeStuff()
> }
> where netns.Set [1] changes the network namespace (does the setns(2)
> syscall via syscall.Syscall). The problem with this function is that
> during the execution of doSomeStuff() or defer netns.Set(hostNs) the
> Go runtime might create a new OS thread (e.g. due to blocking) which
> will reside in the same namespace as parent (CLONE_NEWNET is not set
> when doing clone(2)). The newly created thread might be used for
> scheduling other go-routines which will end up running in the "wrong"
> namespace. As a consequence, the go-routines might not be able to
> access some netdevs available within the host network namespace or
> previously created sockets.
> One workaround to this problem is to shell out a process (e.g. via
> exec.Command) which would set the namespace and do doSomeStuff().
> However, this approach is sort of ugly, because a) we create
> unnecessary process; b) doSomeStuff() cannot be implemented in Go
> without special hacks [2].
> Considering a vast adoption of Go within containers software, it's a
> bit odd that the runtime does not provide any means to address the
> problem. Maybe I'm missing something?

You aren't missing anything.  Doing this correctly requires runtime
support, and that support does not exist.  It's not even obvious how
to write it, at least not to me.


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