Hi all,
I have a model with variables, let's call them a, b, c, ..., z. These are 
numerical values (time series loaded from a database) and I let the user 
specify their relationships in a JSON, say 'z = 12; x = a + 2/3 + 3*c; y = 
log(12*f) + exp(g)' etc. The syntax is trivial - it's basically just 
algebraic relationships + a few functions (log, log2, log10, exp, 
trigonometrics, ...; all 1:1 mappings to their math package equivalents).

Now, I get these relationships in a JSON and I parse them using go/parser. 
Then I walk the tree once and process it a bit - replacing keywords by 
pointers to my variable stores, replacing all the log/exp/sin with function 
pointers, leaving literals be literals etc. Each node is then a struct with 
a type and the actual contents (sadly a generic interface, because the 
value can be almost anything). The prep stage is now over.

When actually running the model, I loop through years and within each year 
I solve each variable - I walk the tree and evaluate it where needed. The 
only non-trivial action is when I get to a model variable, I need to do a 
bit of lookup (it's a time series, so I need to look up the correct time 
period and other bits). Otherwise it's just literals, operators and 
function calls, all of which is fairly straightforward.

This is all well and good. One of the issues is that it's rather slow. I 
thought it would be the recursive nature (and interface assertions), but 
converting all this into a shunting yard system didn't improve the 
performance dramatically. I've profiled the thing and removed a few 
hotspots, my question is not about profiling. I'm after a bit more general 
advice on how to handle these runtime evaluations and if there are better 
ways of doing so. Essentially some sort of a JIT (but Go does not have 
runtime assembly, right?), or maybe convert each expression into a closure 
or maybe a whole different algorithm or...?

Thank you!

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