On Monday, 11 July 2016 07:53:00 UTC+3, EdgarAlejandro Vintimilla wrote:
> hi
> What is the best way to implement a TCP server, I found many examples, 
> including in this book
> http://cdn.oreillystatic.com/oreilly/booksamplers/9781491941959_sampler.pdf
> but I would like some recommendation of how to make a more robust TCP 
> server

*tip: explain both your problem and context, it helps people get oriented 
faster. e.g. I'm building a MUD server for ~1000 players... or I'm building 
a SMTP server that needs to be fault-tolerant etc.*

You can additionally take a look 
at https://talks.golang.org/2012/chat.slide. Of course there is no "ideal" 
solution for building TCP servers, different problems will require 
different solutions.

+ Egon

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