> For concurrent programs, obviously the program needs to be race-free -- no 
> reads of data that could hold different values based on grouting scheduling 
> of writes (using happens-before).
Indeed, this is the definition of "racy" we're interested in.  As Ian 
pointed out, this is distinct from data race bugs, where behavior is 

> I would also note that usage of a channel which has more than one receiver 
> goroutine or more than one sender goroutine at any time will introduce 
> non-determinism.

Not necessarily. You may decide to send multiple intermediate results 
through a channel (say, integers), then have a reducer drain the channel in 
a manner where order doesn't matter (say, find the max). I think the 
behavior of this example is well-defined, and it is "determinist" because 
both the result and the performance are consistent from run to run, even if 
the order of the values read from the chan is undefined.

> It is not clear to me what is a legitimate "side effect" in your list.  
> What is the difference between a side-effect and 
> whether the program will generate the same output in all schedulings?

In this context, I named "side-effect" a variation on result or 
performance.  Variation on result would be a bug. Big variation on 
performance could result from a violation of the non-raciness as defined 

What if select choice order or channel operation orderings have only 
> performance impact and no side effects w.r.t. correctness, race-freeness, 
> or output of the program? I would like to be able to reliably reproduce 
> that. 

Indeed it would be interesting to make the select determinist/reproducible 
by changing the cputicks() policy.
But I suspect it would be a better idea to design the program so that the 
select choice never really matters for result and perf.
If the select choice order has a small* performance impact, then leave it 
If the select choice order has a big* performance impact, I would call this 
an undesirable side effect.
The implicit distinction I make between small and big performance impact is 
informally this : small impact when within the order of magnitude of CPU 
and scheduler contingencies (except starvation), usually less than 400%. 
Big impact is unbounded delay, like launching a big task B that may have 
been pruned in another run of the same program.

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