I just ran into this as well, when buffering an io.ReadSeeker such as 
os.File it would be useful to have a bufio.ReadSeeker.
I could work around it by calling Seek on the source os.File and using 
bufio.Reader.Reset(...) but this is wasteful when seeked data is already 

On Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 7:15:52 AM UTC-7, Ingo Oeser wrote:
> Hi there,
> is there any reason the in-memory streams bytes.Buffer and bufio.Reader 
> support no Seek()?
> Just wondered about it, because it would be very handy for unit tests and 
> benchmarks mocking out file system accesses.
> So I did sth. like this to test it:
> http://play.golang.org/p/8SjYn-cisj
> package main
> import (
> "bytes"
> "fmt"
> "io"
> "os"
> )
> type SeekingBuffer struct {
> b      []byte
> buffer *bytes.Buffer
> offset int64
> size   int64
> }
> func NewSeekingBuffer(b []byte) *SeekingBuffer {
> if b == nil {
> return nil
> }
> return &SeekingBuffer{
> b:      b,
> buffer: bytes.NewBuffer(b),
> offset: 0,
> }
> }
> func (fb *SeekingBuffer) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
> n, err = fb.buffer.Read(p)
> fb.offset += int64(n)
> return n, err
> }
> func (fb *SeekingBuffer) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (ret int64, err 
> error) {
> var newoffset int64
> switch whence {
> case 0:
> newoffset = offset
> case 1:
> newoffset = fb.offset + offset
> case 2:
> newoffset = int64(len(fb.b)) - offset
> }
> if newoffset == fb.offset {
> return newoffset, nil
> }
> fb.buffer = bytes.NewBuffer(fb.b[newoffset:])
> fb.offset = newoffset
> return fb.offset, nil
> }
> func main() {
> fb := NewSeekingBuffer([]byte("Hello, playground"))
> pos, err := fb.Seek(0, 0)
> fmt.Println("pos = ", pos, ", error = ", err)
> pos, err = fb.Seek(7, 0)
> fmt.Println("pos = ", pos, ", error = ", err)
> io.Copy(os.Stdout, fb)
> }

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