On Thursday, September 1, 2016 at 4:40:50 AM UTC-7, Tieson Molly wrote:
> Are there any go projects that implement a queue where workers that 
> consume the queue could be tracked and potentially killed if the end user 
> decides to cancel the job?

I assume you mean across multiple worker processes; possibly all on one 
host or possibly in a distributed fashion. My goq project, pronounced "go 


let's you cancel a job, using "goq kill <jobid>". Workers that were started 
with "goq work" will die after oneshot at work. Workers that were started 
with "goq work forever" will keep requesting jobs.

If you mean within a single process, this is common and readily implemented 
using channels. The stdlib's "net/context" has even standardized an 
interface to such requests. I'll keep this short. Feel free to let me know 
if you meant in-process and need more detail.

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