JPEG is not a pixel-exact format, even in YCbCr color space. Different
Discrete Cosine Transformation implementations may produce slightly
different YCbCr and hence RGB values, and still be considered valid
JPEG implementations.

For example, libjpeg is just one software implementation, in one
programming language, but it has multiple FDCT / IDCT implementations
(e.g. 4 different jidct???.c files). Some use floating point math.
Some use fixed point (integer) math, especially useful if your CPU
doesn't support floating point in hardware. Some implementations are
"fast", which are indeed as advertised, but have worse quality on some
measures. They're all valid, spec-compliant implementations, but they
have different rounding errors, and won't give identical RGB results
on all inputs.

Newer image formats like WebP have tightened up the variety in valid
decodings, but JPEG is what it is.

I'm therefore unsurprised that Go's decoding can differ slightly from
whatever OpenCV uses.

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