I don't agree with your latest lines, maybe is cause I miss something but...

When analyzing the code the model could distinguish "executors", which cold 
be goroutines (main - the entry one, g1, g2, etc) or pieces of code under a 
certain lock variable.
If a variable is ONLY accessed by a single "executor" (including locks) 
then it is race free.

Even if this could not give binary answer as in safe/race but something 
more like safe/risky.../race it would be useful.
You might still need annotations to the tool to let you do unsafe stuff, 
but I'd rather have to say "let me do this I know what I am doing" than run 
into issues without noticing.



El martes, 13 de septiembre de 2016, 8:16:14 (UTC+2), Jan Mercl escribió:
> On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 7:53 AM josvazg <jos...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> > Why does Go does not have a static race detector? What are the 
> difficulties?
> For example, the halting problem. Ok, now seriously.
> > If Rust can do it, using its ownership model, Go could have a tool 
> checking the AST that analyzes variable scopes and checks globals, 
> variables passed to goroutines and to/from channels.
> > 
> > If one such followed variable is found in any piece of code to be 
> accessed from more than 2 places and any access is a write, bam! flag that 
> code with an error.
> I don't speak Rust, but AFAIK, its model of ownership does not provide 
> static race detecting, but can prove a race cannot happen, ie. no two paths 
> can concurrently read and write the same data. But a Go program can be 
> perfectly reasonable and completely race free even if it can be proven by 
> Rust's model as having a potential for races - assuming the Go program uses 
> synchronization properly. Proper synchronization avoids races, but it is 
> not possible in the general case to prove the synchronization is used 
> properly, because - the halting problem etc.
> OTOH, a program proving that a particular Go program cannot have a race is 
> IMO possible to write. What I doubt is its value, because Go code which can 
> be proven race-free is probably only a small subset of Go code people write.
> -- 
> -j

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