>> Why do you care? 

I personally wouldn't but a (test framework) protocol built on top of 
XML-RPC that I want to interface to expects the following response back:


and the only XML-RPC (server) package for go I've 
found: https://github.com/divan/gorilla-xmlrpc, guess what it uses to map 
that kind of XML-RPC data structure to? A go struct. That was looking over 
the README, haven't delved into the code for that package, but there might 
not be other alternative options w/o modifying that package's code. A go 
map might have been more flexible to workaround naming issues.

Btw, I ran into this issue in .NET/C# too where an XML-RPC struct maps to 
C# struct, and there was same keyword conflict. Thankfully though, the 
XML-RPC.NET library had a workaround to remap/translate the naming for the 
user/consumer: http://xml-rpc.net/faq/xmlrpcnetfaq-2-5-0.html#1.11. I don't 
think such exists in the go XML-RPC package. :(

>> [1] Capitialising the first letter will export the field name. You might 
not have wanted to do that. 

good point, I forgot about that for a moment, being new to go.

On Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at 5:30:18 AM UTC-7, David Luu wrote:
> Say I wanted to define a struct like this:
> type runKeywordReturnType struct{
>   return interface{}
>   status string
>   output string
>   error string
>   traceback string
> }
> Seems to not work since return and error are go keywords. If I capitalize 
> the first letter, that works. But say I really wanted to keep it all 
> lowercase, is there a way to do so in go?

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