Maybe you can solve this with atomics.
You keep an int32 that acts as mutex (0 is unocked, 1 is locked),
the Trylock is done with atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(mu, 0, 1) and the 
Unlock with atomic.StoreInt32(mu, 0).
This gives you a Trylock, but you lose the standard (blocking) Lock.

You may have to put your "usage" variable inside an atomic.Value,
if some goroutines want to read it while another is modifying it.
Be sure to test your code with -race.

On Friday, October 21, 2016 at 3:05:10 PM UTC+2, Michael Liu wrote:
> I've a race scenario used with Mutex.Lock with Lock() and Unlock(). now 
> multi-routines try to lock the resource and start a few logical code if the 
> Lock.Lock() succesfully. other routines don't need to block util 
> Lock.Unlock() that they can do the above logicals with next time or in 
> future(logical may changes some variables and those variables' change could 
> be see with latency). That looks like a Trylock() implemetion.
> I browsed the discussion 
> <!searchin/golang-nuts/trylock%7Csort:relevance/golang-nuts/MTaJNZ49u60/ycc7UHgjLwgJ>and
> guess Trylock() may the best way ...
> var lock sync.Mutex
> func change(vvv int) bool {
>      if lock.Trylock() {
>           // execute codes if we trylock successfully
>           bla bla.......
>           usage := vvv .......
>           bla bla.......
>           return true
>      } else { 
>           // someone is locking the resource. we skip the 
>           // change(vvvv) call. and take a chance in next
>           // time. the context of this method we can drop
>           // directly
>           return false
>      }
> }
> routines := 16
> for ;routines != 0; routines-- {
>     go func() {
>         // infinite loop 
>         var i = 0
>         for {
>             // discard the return value of change()
>             change(i)
>             i++
>         }
>     }()
> }

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