On Friday, October 21, 2016 at 4:31:51 AM UTC+8, gri wrote:
> To answer the subject line question: No, short variable declarations are 
> not technically necessary. We could have chosen not to have them. But there 
> are good reasons for them. It was a deliberate design decision.
> Let me throw in a bit of historical perspective:
> Rob's invention of ":=" in one of his prior languages, and later, our 
> shared experience with ":=" in Sawzall (
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sawzall_(programming_language)) led to the 
> desire of wanting ":=" in Go. Variable declaration and initialization is 
> among the most common statements written in an imperative programming 
> language (next to simple assignment), and ":=" worked beautifully and 
> succinctly for this purpose in the past, and it fit well into the overall 
> design of Go.
> The key here is that providing an initialization expression is mandatory 
> with ":=" (in contrast to "just" a variable declaration), and because it's 
> mandatory, we can omit the type of the variable (assuming we're ok with the 
> type of the initialization expression).
> At the same time we wouldn't simple give up ordinary variable 
> declarations, using the "var" keyword. For one, at the package level, a 
> free-standing (i.e., w/o introductory keyword) "v := x" would cause parsing 
> difficulties and be somewhat irregular compared to all other declarations.
> Thus, originally, "x := y" was simply very convenient syntactic sugar for 
> "var x = y" and both could be used interchangeably, in most places. Go has 
> little syntactic sugar, and where it has, it's because there's a lot of 
> "bang for the buck" - and that's certainly the case for ":=".
> The fact that "var x = y" is not permitted as a "for" loop initialization 
> statement was simply a design decision. Ian Taylor suggested that it's 
> "ugly". Aesthetics plaid a role here; and different people find different 
> things attractive. There's no hard technical reason why it couldn't be 
> permitted, it just isn't.
> Finally, the special rule permitting "redeclarations" with ":=" only came 
> in later. It gave short variable declarations different powers over regular 
> keyword-based variable declarations. While it was considered a very useful 
> new rule, it definitively distracted from the simple syntactic sugar 
> regularity.
> It is no secret that many people (including us) think that there may be 
> too many different yet similar ways of declaring and initializing variables 
> in Go; and it would be nice if a future Go could streamline and simplify 
> this. But we should also keep in mind that variable declaration and 
> initialization, next to simple assignment, are the most common statements 
> in program (it's one of the few things hardware can actually do directly, 
> which is moving data from a to b), so it does not seem unreasonable to have 
> various ways to express that, fine-tuned for each (relatively common) use 
> case.
> - gri
Thanks, gri, this is almost the answer I want.

I still have two small questions about the short form.
1. would it be good to allow all identifiers in a short form are old ones 
(assume there is only one code block)?
2. would it be good/better to let identifiers in a short form not shadow 
outer block identifiers?
I know the second one will break compatibility. It is not a feature 
request. It is just a plain question. 

> On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 12:19 AM, T L <tapi...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> On Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 3:25:18 AM UTC+8, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
>>> On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Michael Jones <michae...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote: 
>>> > As in a number of previous questions, this one was asked poorly and 
>>> the answers dance all around the intention. I had decided never to enter 
>>> the fray of these oddly-put assertion/half questions, but since this is 
>>> lingering, may I suggest that this is his real question: 
>>> > 
>>> > “can we have var-style declarations in the places where the shorthand 
>>> syntax is allowed?” 
>>> > 
>>> > elaborating… 
>>> > 
>>> > for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {…} 
>>> > 
>>> > might also allow 
>>> > 
>>> > for var i int; i < 10; i++ {…} 
>>> > 
>>> > and likewise in other short-variable-permitting contexts. 
>>> > 
>>> > Personally, it seems that the simplest argument in favor would be 
>>> orthogonality and the best argument in favor would be the natural creation 
>>> of multiple scope local variables. This “best” is not very strong, though, 
>>> since it is unclear to me how you could introduce variables of multiple 
>>> types. 
>>> > 
>>> > Not taking sides here…just feeling that the core issue was not 
>>> addressed. Nor was the much better question that was not asked, “why was 
>>> the decision made in Go not to allow non-short variable declarations in 
>>> these contexts?” 
>>> Thanks for trying to clarify. 
>>> I'm not sure I buy the orthogonality argument here.  I mean, why not 
>>> permit any statement in the first clause of a for statement?  Why 
>>> restrict it to just variable declarations?  But if we accept that it 
>>> is restricted, I think it seems reasonable to restrict only to short 
>>> variable declarations, since `for var i int` seems to me to be ugly. 
>>> You can create multiple local variables in the for scope by writing, for 
>>> example 
>>>     for a, b := 0, 10; a < b; a++ { 
>>> (That would work with var, too). 
>>> Ian 
>> I think the short form should be used as a supplement for the normal var 
>> form, 
>> Specifically, short form should be used in the situation new variable 
>> identifiers and old variable identifiers are hybrid, 
>> or the situation only new variable identifiers exist.
>> But now, the short form in an inner block will shadow variables in outer 
>> block.
>> If we really want to shadow variables in outer block, then we can just 
>> use the normal var form.
>> Now the design makes the short form compete with the normal var form.
>> -- 
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