On 18 January 2017 at 18:45, Bryan Chan <bryan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In Go, you could pass a method value around so that the method can be
> invoked later on a pre-determined receiver, e.g.
> func (a *A) foo() bool { ... }
> func bar(f func () bool) {
>     if f() {
>         ...
>     }
> }
> func main() {
>     a := &A{ ... }
>     bar(a.foo)
> }
> You could also create a method expression so that the receiver can be
> supplied at actual call time, e.g.
> f := (*A).foo
> boolVal := f(a)
> But I couldn't find a way to bind a receiver to a method expression, such
> that the resulting method value can be invoked at a later time. Would this
> be a useful addition to the language? Or did I miss something?

If a is an object with the method foo, a.foo will give you a function that
will invoke the method at a later time.

See https://golang.org/ref/spec#Method_values

> --
> Bryan
> --
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