I try to use CGO on Windows

I installed Mingw64 from here:

My Go env vars are like so:
   set CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe
   set GOROOT=e:\programs\go64
   set GOPATH=e:\src\go
   set GOOS=windows
   set GOARCH=amd64
   set GOBIN=e:\src\go\bin64
   set MINGWPATH=e:\programs\mingw64\mingw32\bin

Is there a way to see if Go does indeed use i686-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe and 
not gcc.exe?

I try to go run the attached main.go and get this error:
   E:\src\go\src\ui-andlabs>go run main.go
   # github.com/andlabs/ui
   cc1.exe: sorry, unimplemented: 64-bit mode not compiled in
which seems to tell me that something is wrong with 64 bit mode; but what 
is it...

Any idea?

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Attachment: main.go
Description: Binary data

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