Type assertion is even slower than reflect: 

assert: count=33554432 time taken=499.061188ms
direct: count=33554432 time taken=14.981847ms
method: count=33554432 time taken=176.977503ms
reflect: count=33554432 time taken=383.905004ms

On Thursday, February 2, 2017 at 4:25:05 PM UTC+8, T L wrote:
> On Thursday, February 2, 2017 at 2:04:23 PM UTC+8, ChrisLu wrote:
>> Go's type assertion seems quite slow. The added cost is too much if it 
>> has to be in a tight loop. Here are the time taken on my laptop for the 
>> following code.
>> https://play.golang.org/p/cA96miTkx_
>> chris$ time ./p
>> count=1073741824 time taken=7.899207181s
>> count=1073741824 time taken=300.601453ms
>> real 0m8.205s
>> user 0m8.163s
>> sys 0m0.029s
>> chris$ time luajit -e "count = 0
>> > for i=1, 1024*1024*1024, 1 do count = count + 1 end
>> > print(count)"
>> 1073741824
>> real 0m0.900s
>> user 0m0.891s
>> sys 0m0.005s
> Type assertion is even slower than call dynamic method: 
> https://play.golang.org/p/jUrazcbB9h
> Some surprised.

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