On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 6:53:53 AM UTC+8, Caleb Spare wrote:
> I have a program that uses unsafe in order to coerce some slices to 
> strings for use as map keys. (Avoiding these allocations ends up being 
> an important performance optimization to this program.) 
> Here's some example code that shows what I'm doing: 
> https://play.golang.org/p/Yye1Riv0Jj

Looks ok, but sliceToStringUnsafe in m[sliceToStringUnsafe(v)] = 1 is not 
essential, for gc compiler has already made the same optimization for you.
Just use m[string(v)] = 1 is ok.

> Does this seem OK? I've tried to make sure I understand how all the 
> unsafe codes fits into the blessed idioms at 
> https://golang.org/pkg/unsafe/#Pointer. The part I'm most curious 
> about is the indicated line: 
> sh.Data = (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)).Data // <--- 
> This is a double-application of rule 6: it's a conversion *from* a 
> reflect.StringHeader's Data field *to* a reflect.SliceHeader's Data 
> field, through an unsafe.Pointer and uintptr. 
> This code has been working for a long time and appears to continue to 
> work, but I've been re-reviewing all my unsafe usage after reading the 
> conversation at https://github.com/golang/go/issues/19168. 
> Thanks for any insights. 
> Caleb 
> P.S. In this particular case, I'm planning on replacing the map with a 
> custom hashtable (since it's very specialized I can do better than a 
> built-in map type) and that will eliminate the unsafe code. 

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