Missing a C function 

void initializeProfile(_profile *profile, bool create)
if (create == true)
profile->dateOfBirth = NULL; 
profile->profileId = 0; 
memset(profile->userName.first, '\0', sizeof(profile->userName.first)); :
memset(profile->userName.last, '\0', sizeof(profile->userName.last)); 

profile->stateFipsId = 0; 
profile->geolocation.latitude = 0.0;
profile->geolocation.longitude = 0.0;

if (create == false)
if (profile->dateOfBirth != NULL)

AND igore the Go code 

profiles.profile[0].userName.first = "test"   // It should be   
 profiles.profile[0].userName.first = C.CString("test")  I changed that 
still does not work 
profiles.profile[0].userName.last = "test"

On Thursday, March 16, 2017 at 1:59:58 PM UTC-4, Wei Zhang wrote:
> I have issue when using cgo with c struct array.
> My program as follow:
> I have struct in c  and contain a pointer to a c struct array. 
> In C, I provide a initialize function (take two parameter: the pointer to 
> the variable, the length of the array inside the variable)  to malloc the 
> memory of the variable. 
> Then In go, I assign the value to this variable and assign value to the 
> array in variable.  And in go , I call another C function to using this 
> variable. 
> After the C function handle it.  Go pick up the variable again and return 
> to other Go function. 
> When I coded like this, I go a array like.  type *C.struct does not 
> support indexing. 
> My code like follow.
> C:
> test.h
> typedef struct
> {
> int profileCnt;
> _profile   *profile;                      //pointer to profile array
> }_profiles;
> // variable using in Go
> typedef struct
> {
> int profileId; 
> _name userName; 
> char      *dateOfBirth; 
> int stateFipsId; 
> }_profile;
> typedef struct
> {
> char first[32];
> char last[32];
> } _name;
> void initializeProfiles(_profiles *profiles, int profileCount, bool 
> create);
> int doSomething _In_C( _profiles *profiles, int log);
> test.c
> void initializeProfiles(_profiles *profiles, int profileCount, bool create)
> {
> profiles->profileCnt = profileCount; // initialize profiles struct & 
> profile[] Array
> if (profileCount > 0)
> {
> if (create == true)
> profiles->profile = malloc(profileCount * sizeof *profiles->profile + 1); 
> // allocate memory for profiles[numProfiles]
> for (int i = 0; i < profiles->profileCnt; i++)
> initializeProfile(&profiles->profile[i], create);
> if (create == false)
> {
> free(profiles->profile);
> profiles->profileCnt = 0;
> }
> }
> else
> profiles->profile = NULL;
> }
> int doSomething _In_C( _profiles *profiles, int log)
> {
> /* ===========================================
> */ ====   did something to that variable============================
> if (errStatus.code == _SUCCESS)
> return(_SUCCESS);
> else
> return(FAILURE);
> }
> My GO code 
> package main
> //#cgo CFLAGS: -std=c99 -ggdb3 -O0 -Wall
> //#cgo CFLAGS: -I../../include/common
> //#cgo LDFLAGS: -L string.h
> //#cgo LDFLAGS: -lstdc++ -lpthread -lm -lc -lssl -lcrypto
> //#include <stdio.h>
> //#include <stdlib.h>
> //#include "test.h"
> import "C"
> //import "unsafe"
> func Test() {
> log := 1 // sets logging level
> numProfiles := 3
> var profiles C._profiles
> C.initializeProfiles(&profiles, C.int(numProfiles), C.bool(true))
> profiles.profile[0].profileId = C.int(2)
> profiles.profile[0].stateFipsId = "MD"
> profiles.profile[0].userName.first = "test"
> profiles.profile[0].userName.last = "test"
> C.dosomething_In_C( &profiles,C.int(3))
> C.initializeProfiles(&profiles, C.int(numProfiles), C.bool(false))
> fmt.Println(int("get c variable and  return")
> }
> When I compile  in like this
> profiles.profile[0].profileId = C.int(2) 
> I got error message : invalid operation: profiles.profile[0] (type 
> *C.struct___6 does not support indexing)  
> So, I try another solution.  Transfer the c struct array form c to go. 
> like this 
>         profile.profikes = (*[1 << 
> 30]C._profile)(unsafe.Pointer(&profiles.profile))[:numProfiles:numProfiles]
> But get error like   cannot use 
> (*[1073741824]C.struct___6)(unsafe.Pointer(&profiles.profile))[:numProfiles:numProfiles]
> (type []C.struct___6) as type *C.struct___6 in assignment    
> and I afraid It create another piece of memory,  when I call in 
> dosomething_In_C function, it can not get the data. 
> Is anyone know how to fix this?
> Thank you 

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