On Sun, 2 Apr 2017 16:10:57 -0700 (PDT)
ono...@gmail.com wrote:

> In short, I'm trying to cast type of 
> function(string, sometype) -> function(interface{}, interface{})
> here is the code:
> https://play.golang.org/p/_ZCT8m_m_0
> I've tried like 10 possible options, and I believe I just don't see 
> something really simple, will highly appreciate some insights on how
> to get it working.

In the onEvict function, make the "value" variable be of type
interface{} and type-assert it to be CacheItem, then pass onEvict
w/o any type-conversions to cache.Set():

  func onEvict(key string, value interface{}) {
        ci := value.(CacheItem)
        fmt.Println(key, ci.v)
  cache.Set("key1", t, onEvict)

Playground link: <https://play.golang.org/p/75OUF5W344>

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