
Let me suggest the TICK Stack <https://influxdata.com> (Written in Go) and 
Grafana <https://grafana.net>. Its pretty get setup and has much of what 
you want out of the box. Here is a blog post 
describing the setup. I'm also working on a webinar describing how to do 


On Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 5:22:15 PM UTC-7, James McHugh wrote:
> I'm writing some software to monitor and control my observatory. It will 
> have many many inputs (clouds, rain, temp, time, roof position, telescope 
> status, focuser status, camera status, filter status etc etc ) and will 
> control the whole setup including opening closing the roof based on weather 
> / alt of the Sun, taking images, focusing based on temp changes, auto 
> guiding, selecting the best target, shutting the system down if there is 
> rain or clouds,  etc etc etc 
> It could get quite complex.
> I have all the individual pieces working, now I'm looking for a nice 
> design pattern to tie it all together.
> Any suggestions or ideas to get me started? I'm worried if I start off 
> with just a bunch of if statements and for loops it will quickly become a 
> huge mess.
> Regards
> James

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