
Some more about that.

I added tow new generators jsoner / httper.

jsoner takes a type in input, 
parses method args from a json body req, 
output func params to a json body response.

httper, takes an http req in input,
interprets it as a json-rpc request,
pass it to the underlying RPC decoder (jsoner?)
and handle the response.

Still work to be done,
but looks at this main to get a json api,

package main

import (

// Tomate is about red vegetables to make famous italian food.
type Tomate struct {
    Name string

// GetID return the ID of the Tomate.
func (t Tomate) GetID() string {
    return t.Name

//go:generate lister vegetables_gen.go Tomate:Tomates
//go:generate jsoner json_vegetables_gen.go *Tomates:JSONTomates
//go:generate httper http_vegetables_gen.go *JSONTomates:HTTPTomates

func main() {

    backend := NewTomates()
    backend.Push(Tomate{Name: "red"})
    jsoner := NewJSONTomates(backend)
    httper := NewHTTPTomates(jsoner)

    // public views
    http.HandleFunc("/", httper.At)

        curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: 
application/json" -X POST -d ' {"i":0}'  http://localhost:8080/

    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))

Last note: can generics handle that ? (I dont think so)

On Saturday, April 29, 2017 at 5:08:52 PM UTC+2, mhh...@gmail.com wrote:
> i forgot to say at the end, id love to be able to do
> cat mystruct.go | lister Tomates | mutexer Tomatex | ....
> That d be awesome! :D
> On Saturday, April 29, 2017 at 5:06:27 PM UTC+2, mhh...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi,
>> several generators i made to avoid some duplication.
>> https://github.com/mh-cbon/lister
>> Package lister is a generator to generate typed slice.
>> https://github.com/mh-cbon/channeler
>> Package channeler is a cli generator to generate channeled version of a 
>> type.
>> https://github.com/mh-cbon/mutexer
>> Package mutexer is a cli generator to generate mutexed version of a type.
>> so basically, using below code you got hundreds of line generated for you,
>> in that example to make a mutexed []Tomate.
>> But as it s not too stupid, or tries too, it will be able to handle 
>> pointer and basic types
>> mutexed []*Tomate
>> mutexed []string
>> ect
>> It should also be able to lookup for a constructor of the src type 
>> (Tomate),
>> and reproduce it into the dest type implementation.
>> There is both mutexer / channeler because both cases applies for reasons.
>> The lister is a convenient way to create typed slice.
>> package demo
>> // Tomate is about red vegetables to make famous italian food.
>> type Tomate struct {
>>     Name string
>> }
>> // GetID return the ID of the Tomate.
>> func (t Tomate) GetID() string {
>>     return t.Name
>> }
>> //go:generate lister vegetables_gen.go Tomate:Tomates
>> //go:generate mutexer vegetuxed_gen.go Tomates:Tomatex
>> hth

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