
made that because i was super lazy...


So now i can do,

1/ add an alias of my preferred repo init,

$ cat <<EOT >> ~/.bashrcalias tbm="the-busy-man git:init license:mit 
emd:mh-cbon/emd golang gump:mh-cbon/gump git:commit changelog 
git:commit+amend"EOTsource ~/.bashrc

2/ run `tbm` into a directory to get a package ready to code

For plugins such a `license`, `emd` ect,
they rely on external go bin, 
so the program will install them via go get,
BUT, take care its HEAD everywhere (not so great.)

its not a bultin pipe of init 
because everyone is doing something
a bit different of his neighbor
so i suggest you pr  plugins for your needs.

A basic miss is the Makefile, because i m not Makefile user,
the idea would be to add a new plugin named `make`
and let it receive an intent such `cznic/sqlite`
and the program would init the makefile using the file existing in the repo

Its basically what i shown in my alias with plugins like emd/gump.


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