Wrote something similar recently.

One difference is that I moved the rows.Scan call into the passed in 

type Scannable interface {
  Scan(...interface{}) error

func scanIntoUser(u *store.User) func(s Scannable) error {
 return func(s Scannable) error {
 return s.Scan(&u.Id, &u.Name, &u.PasswordHash, &u.Email)

func (s *userStore) UserByName(name string) (*store.User, error) {
 u := &store.User{}
 err := ExpectOneRow(s.db, scanIntoUser(u), "CALL spUserByName(?)", name)
 if err != nil {
 return nil, err
 return u, nil

 Idea being gives an opportunity to do some mapping by scanning into local 
variables and then assign them into the object, for instance dealing with 
NULLs. Scan into a sql.Null* variable, and modify whatever struct as see 


On Friday, 2 June 2017 13:55:12 UTC+1, brylant wrote:
> I've been trying hard (well.. as much as I can considering my lack of 
> in-depth go knowledge or - to be perfectly honest - lack of in-depth 
> knowledge of anything) to find suitable go+sql technique that would not 
> require a lot of code repetition, not use reflection and not use ORMs of 
> any sort... Could somebody please tell me if there's anything particularly 
> wrong with the following:
> type ScannerFunc func() []interface{}
> func (db *DB) ScanSome(stmt string, sf ScannerFunc, params ...interface{}) 
> error {
>  rows, err := db.Query(stmt, params...)
>  if err != nil {
>  return err
>  }
>  defer rows.Close()
>  for rows.Next() {
>  err = rows.Scan(sf()...)
>  if err != nil {
>  return err
>  }
>  }
>  if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
>  return err
>  }
>  return nil
> }
> Having the above I could then implement the following for each of my 
> 'models' (User being an example below). This could easily be 'go 
> generate'-d for each model
> type User struct {
>     UserID  int64
>     Name    string
>     Role    int
>     // (...)
> }
> func ScanUsersFunc(users *[]*User) ScannerFunc {
>     return ScannerFunc(func() []interface{}) {
>         u := User{}
>         *users = append(*users, &u)
>         var r []interface{} = []interface{}{&u.UserID, &u.Name, &u.Role, 
> (more 
> properties)}
>         return r
>     }
> }
> and finally use it like this: 
> const (
>     sqlUsersByRole = "SELECT user_id,name,role, (more if needed) FROM 
> user WHERE role=?"
>     sqlAllUsers    = "SELECT user_id,name,role FROM user"
> )
> func (db *DB) UsersByRole(role int) ([]*User, error) {
>     users := make([]*User, 0)
>     err := db.ScanSome(sqlUsersByRole, ScanUsersFunc(&users), role)
>     if err != nil {
>         return nil, err
>     }
>     return users, nil
> }
> func (db *DB) AllUsers() ([]*User, error) {
>     users := make([]*User, 0)
>     err := db.ScanSome(sqlAllUsers, ScanUsersFunc(&users))
>     if err != nil {
>         return nil, err
>     }
>     return users, nil
> }
> Alternatively (to avoid scanning/returning all results) a callback could 
> be provided to ScanSome and called after each scan.
> Obviously I could also implement ScanOne for situations where I only 
> expect one row of results...
> So - any obvious issues with the above 'technique'...?
> Thanks,
> adam

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