On Monday, 5 June 2017 18:11:00 UTC+3, Chun Zhang wrote:
> Unfortunately it does not give any info. :(

Can you upload the code somewhere?

Other ideas:

1. set environment variable GODEBUG to cgocheck=2
2. try valgrind - maybe it picks something up (not sure how well it works)
3. try sanitizers - search `go build -msan`... I've never used it, but you 
can see some tests for it in 

Other than that, yeah... try to get the example as small as possible and so 
that you can show it.

+ Egon

> Thanks,
> Chun
> On Saturday, June 3, 2017 at 1:16:18 PM UTC-4, Egon wrote:
>> Does race detector say something useful?
>> On Friday, 2 June 2017 21:18:31 UTC+3, Chun Zhang wrote:
>>> I am trying to store some complicated data structure with a map, and 
>>> eventually search and use it. 
>>> Since the structure can change with different applications, and it has 
>>> to work with multiple thread, I defined a generic map like follows
>>> type IndexedMap struct {
>>>         sync.RWMutex
>>>         DataNode  map[interface{}]interface{}
>>> }
>>> Insert is defined as 
>>> func (m *IndexedMap) Insert(dataIndex interface{}, data interface{}) error {
>>>        var err error
>>>        m.Lock()
>>>        //if the node exist
>>>        if _, ok := m.DataNode[dataIndex]; ok {
>>>               m.Unlock()
>>>               return m.Update(dataIndex, data)
>>>        } else {
>>>               //insert new node
>>>               m.DataNode[dataIndex] = data
>>>        }
>>>        m.Unlock()
>>>        return err
>>> }
>>> ** For now, the data being inserted is a structure, not the pointer to 
>>> the structure and the key/index is a string.**
>>> Then when I need to find a piece of data, I tried to get a snapshot of 
>>> the database first and then look for it
>>> v, ok : = m.SnapShotData()[key] where
>>> func (m *IndexedMap) SnapShotData() map[interface{}]interface{} {
>>>        ret := make(map[interface{}]interface{})
>>>        m.Lock()
>>>        for k, v := range m.DataNode {
>>>               ret[k] = v
>>>        }
>>>        m.Unlock()
>>>        return ret
>>> }
>>> Then the data v is used to do other things, never modified though. 
>>> This works but the performance is abysmal when the database getting 
>>> large. So, I tried to search without copying 
>>> v, ok := m.DataSearch(key)
>>> func (m *IndexedMap) DataSearch(dataIndex interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
>>>        var data interface{}
>>>        var ok bool
>>>        m.Lock()
>>>        data, ok = m.DataNode[dataIndex]
>>>        m.Unlock()
>>>        return data, ok
>>> }
>>> However, with this implementation, I always get crash after running the 
>>> program just a little bit with the following error
>>> *** Error in `./colordecoder': double free or corruption (fasttop): 
>>> 0x00007f943c26f590 ***
>>> SIGABRT: abort
>>> PC=0x7f946c2eac37 m=4
>>> signal arrived during cgo execution
>>> I guess somewhere along the line the copy is a not a hard copy but just 
>>> a reference copy. However, I couldn't understand the difference between 
>>> above two approaches, seems that in SnapShotData I did exactly the same 
>>> thing, but no crash ever. 
>>> Can somebody tell me where I did wrong? Thanks!!

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