Got past that error now :) was missing a space between multiple -I<folder 

On Friday, June 23, 2017 at 2:08:59 PM UTC-7, Sebastien Binet wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 10:53 PM, < <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> Thanks. My .go file contains just the following:
>> package mypackage
>> // #cgo CXXFLAGS: -I/usr/folder/subfolder
>> import "C"
>> and when I do "go build" or "go build -x" I get an error that the 
>> #include library i'm using is not found. has anyone run into this before?
> I've just tried this (with go-1.8.3):
> $ pwd
> /home/binet/dev/go/gocode/src/
> $ tree .
> .
> ├── lib.cxx
> ├── pkg.go
> └── subdir
>     └── lib.h
> 1 directory, 3 files
> $ cat pkg.go
> package mypackage
> // #cgo CXXFLAGS: -I/home/binet/dev/gocode/src/
> import "C"
> $ cat lib.cxx
> #include "subdir/lib.h"
> int foo() {
>  return 42;
> }
> $ cat subdir/lib.h
> #ifndef SUBDIR_LIB_H
> #define SUBDIR_LIB_H 1
> int foo();
> #endif
> and 'go build' worked:
> $ go build .
> $ echo $?
> 0
> how does this fail (if it does) for you ?
> -s

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