On 31 July 2017 at 19:35, Tristan Colgate <tcolg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Jul 2017, 18:21 roger peppe, <rogpe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > import hpaInformer informer<v2alpha1.HorizontalPodAutoscaler>
>> >
>> > myInformer := hpaInformer.New(sharedUnderlyingCacheThing)
>> So... to me, the implementation of NewHorizontalPodAutoscalerInformer
>> looks
>> pretty much exactly like what you've got there, where
>> sharedUnderlyingCacheThing
>> is the result of cache.NewSharedIndexInformer as called currently in the
>> code. That is, that constructor inside the call to NewSharedIndexInformer
>> seems a lot like a constructor for sharedUnderlyingCacheThing to me.
>> I'm not entirely convinced that generics would make the code much
>> cleaner in this case.
> The duplication I'm thinking about is more the multiple packages, one for
> each type being informed on. If the top level informers package, or
> function, were templatable by the type being informed on, there would be no
> need for the per-type packages. As it stands there is little benefit from
> the godocs for each individual informer. The current docs are verbose well
> beyond the value they add.
>> You might want to experiment by refactoring some of that k8s code to use
>> generics (using whatever your preferred formulation might be) and see
>> what it might look like, and whether it looks significantly
>> nicer/simpler/cleaner
>> as a result
> I might look at something for the informers case, but it's worth pointing
> out that I was thinking generics could provide a difference API, rather than
> a cleaner implementation of the existing one.

It's that different API that I'd be interested in exploring - if you
had generics,
how would you redesign the API so that it's cleaner, simpler and smaller
than the existing API?

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