Thanks, Michael.

I've created a tiny project with those files 

The output of go test -run=XXX -bench=. -benchtime=10s (in the xmath 
package) is:
BenchmarkPowStd-32       300000000        49.8 ns/op
BenchmarkPowP-32         2000000000         8.85 ns/op
BenchmarkPowFI-32         2000000000         6.31 ns/op
BenchmarkPowStd10-32     100000000       237 ns/op
BenchmarkPowP10-32       500000000        39.1 ns/op
BenchmarkPowFI10-32       300000000        44.6 ns/op
BenchmarkPowStd20-32     30000000       549 ns/op
BenchmarkPowP20-32       200000000        97.4 ns/op
BenchmarkPowFI20-32       200000000        93.8 ns/op
BenchmarkPowStd50-32     10000000      1584 ns/op
BenchmarkPowP50-32       50000000       304 ns/op
BenchmarkPowFI50-32       50000000       249 ns/op
BenchmarkPowStd100-32     5000000      3529 ns/op
BenchmarkPowP100-32       20000000       692 ns/op
BenchmarkPowFI100-32     30000000       522 ns/op
BenchmarkPowStd200-32     2000000      9221 ns/op
BenchmarkPowP200-32       10000000      1623 ns/op
BenchmarkPowFI200-32     20000000      1124 ns/op

Your table-based function (PowFI) wins overall with ~7x speedup vs mine 
(PowP) with ~5x speedup (compared to the std math which is 
non-integer-specific, so, not very fair... but OK as reference).


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