As I scan reports of vulnerable software, I'm concerned that it is 
impossible to tell, from a Go binary, what was used to build that binary. 
Which means that if I depend on some library that is discovered to have a 
vulnerability, I cannot look at each of the binaries I have deployed, and 
discover if those binaries are vulnerable. This is starting to worry me, as 
my company builds more and more software with Go.

Now that "dep" is emerging as a standard tool, perhaps we can include the 
dependency information in the built binaries in a way that is discoverable 
with a common tool?

Possibly we also want to establish a convention, such as a command line 
parameter "--buildinfo" that can be specified to spit out that very info?

I'm happy to contributing to further exploring implementation, but I 
figured I'd start by asking a question, in case someone is already working 
in this direction.


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