I did (admittedly found it only after I send the email). I give that a
try and see how it goes - thank you!

And advice on point #2 by any chance?

On Tue, 2017-10-17 at 19:46 +0100, roger peppe wrote:
> Have you looked at the dep tool (github.com/golang/dep) ?
> On 17 Oct 2017 13:42, "Conrad Wood" <c...@conradwood.net> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > We're considering Go for new services in our software architecture.
> > Generally it seems like a good fit. There are a few things I'm not
> > sure about though, so I wonder what others do:
> > 
> > 1. How does one ensure repeatable builds? (go get obviously pulls
> > from the internet by default.to get repeatable and versioned
> > builds, does one keep the packages itself in a git repository?) 
> > 
> > 2. Our repositories have a lot of files (documentation, tools,
> > tests, and whatnot, a java client), and only a fairly small part of
> > actual Go code. However, the go code needs to remain within the
> > GOPATH. The java classes on the other hand need to reside in the
> > CLASSPATH. To make matters worse, go doesn't like symlinks in the
> > gopath. (https://github.com/golang/go/issues/14054). What I really
> > want, is a self contained repository to has all the bits and bobs
> > that we need to this particular service and is compilable and
> > executable from it's own directory. 
> > 
> > I am thinking of the workflow for developers, and I'm trying to
> > achieve (and did with C and Java) a simple "git clone [repo]" ; cd
> > repo ; ./build.sh" to get started quickly and easily. Ideally the
> > server would execute the same steps and produce the binaries
> > required and use the same dependencies as the compiler on the
> > developer workstation.
> > 
> > How do others set this up with Go?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Conrad 
> > 

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